Manipal Akka and the Primal Scream

Dear Manipal Akka,
Manipal Akka
Send in your queries/problems to [email protected]
I am a student here at MIC, Manipal and I have a few words that I’d like to convey to the males via your column. I’m sure they all read it in the privacy of their rooms where nobody can see them. 

Some of the men here seem to feel that we women are impressed only by a show of muscles or nakedness in a man. My experience was that right in the middle of an Anthropology class, the boy behind me suddenly shot out of his seat, ripped off his shirt (exposing a very disgusting mat of hair) and proceeded to primal-scream his way in and around all desks.

You know what I mean, Akka? I feel as close to you as a religious follower of your column and feel that you can help me overcome the likes of “Tarzan” and others like him. It really was putrid seeing all that hair on one chest. He looked like a disembalmed mattress.

Firani Camilla

Dear Firani,
The problem doesn’t sound too serious yet — when he brings a monkey to class — start worrying!!
Sincerely Manipal Akka.

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