Life @ Manipal Chapter 1.0 by Nimish Singhal

I always wanted to write an article or something about my life @ Manipal. Finally, I took this job and see I don’t even know where to start or what to begin with because there are so many memories that I can’t decide at all.

After having some delicious cookies at my native, I thought the best way to start is just that I’m awake @ 3 am on the day of results. It’s not like I’m scared or something (luckily B.E. Was simple enough this time) but I felt some sort of connectivity with Manipal or is it just memories.

Today is the result day of my 1st yr. Obviously, I’m not waiting for it but as it knocks it makes me realize how happily the past 10 months went by. There were moments of joy, pressure, relief (D.T.) and so was a change.

Life at Manipal Nimish singhal

You know today when I see myself in front of the mirror, I see change –not that food court roti (weight loss) miracle but a change within. Today I’m adventurous, spontaneous, free and a sort like a bird.

26th July 2013 my first day at Manipal, scared, terrified to death as if how I’m gonna survive, what sins I’ve committed that I’m here
Today I thank those sins that I’m here because Manipal is a place which makes your college life not memorable but truly unforgettable.

About the Author: The article is written by Nimish Singhal. Nimish considers himself as an Artist’s soul in engineer’s body. He is currently pursuing in Information Technology at MIT, Manipal.

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