Cracking the Manipal University Medical ENAT – The first step to becoming a doctor
The Manipal University MAHE Medical ENAT is a fully computerized test which is common for MBBS, BDS and B.Pharma courses. This test is conducted online at various centres in most of the major cities across the country. And we have the added advantage of choosing the test date of our choice, so put it to your advantage.
The MAHE Medical ENAT tests your skills in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English in a single paper of 2.5 hours duration with 240 questions. So speed and accuracy, the two basic qualities of a doctor, are really essential in this test. Don’t forget that all the questions come in a jumbled order so you will not find the questions of a particular subject together. Each question carries one mark and there is no negative marking so try not to leave any question.

Physics and Chemistry
The syllabus for the MAHE Medical ENAT is basically the same as that of AIPMT. For Physics, questions with huge calculations are generally not asked but the concepts should be thorough. And for the past few years special emphasis is being given to ray optics. And most importantly if you are stuck on a question leave it for the end and move on because time is really really short.
In Chemistry the difficulty level is average and but some tricky questions from physical chemistry are asked sometimes which tend to eat up a lot of time. Inorganic Chemistry is something that the exam setters really love.
Biology can be done really fast and saves a lot of time which can be effectively used for Physics and Chemistry. Special emphasis is given on the Ecology unit. Most of the questions are straight forward and directly picked up from any of the M.C.Q. books like Dinesh or Pradeep.
The English questions are very simple and the most scoring part of the exam. No special preparation is required for it so don’t waste lot of your preparation time on English.
Practice a few previous year papers by any well-known publisher just to get a grasp of the type of questions you will be facing and if you are lucky some questions may just spring up from there directly in your exam.
The essential key to cracking the MAHE Medical ENAT is TIME MANAGEMENT, so keep a check on the timer and manage and plan your time well. And remember it’s not impossible to attend to all the questions and make calculated guesses instead of wild guesses. And yeah, unlimited rough sheets will be provided in the exam so make the best use of them.
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