The 7th of September.
A cup of tea, early in the morning, at a nearby stall with a dozen elderly people can be peculiarly satisfying.
Suddenly, somebody murmured with his gaze transfixed onto the news paper- “Its Hindus versus Muslims again somewhere in U.P.”
Finding the news intriguing I slipped beside him and the front page read- “Fresh clashes in Muzaffarnagar, scores killed; hundreds injured”
Since change is the only thing constant, it is said that every culture changes as it evolves. And then sadly during this evolution, one comes across incidences like the one in Muzaffarnagar. No matter how hard you try to squirm to a comfortable position on your chair, such news is still unsettling. And it makes you feel that we have not truly evolved. We still dwell in the Stone Age.
Apparently, an eve teasing incidence in the Shamli district of U.P. eventually transpired into a massive mob spelling out havoc and chaos in the twin districts of Muzaffarnagar and Shamli. Allegedly a Jatt girl was eve teased by a guy from the Muslim community who was beaten to death by the girls’ brothers. Later in an act of revenge, as they attempted to flee, the two brothers were lynched by a mob believed to be Muslims predominantly.
Just because the guy was a Muslim, the whole event took an ugly turn. So the apparent message is loud and clear from the society-
“A person who passes lewd comments/ eve teases or commits any act of the sort does so based on the religion he belongs to”
This is utter nonsense and is as worst as it can get. What began as a personal fight between two goons eventually turned out to be a massive mob attack wielding swords in the open, firing gun shots and law and order gone for a toss for two weeks.
All this went on, as the administration turned a blind eye and were caught napping.
And to make matters worse, a reporter and a photographer were killed by a mob on the 7th September followed by massive clashes between the communities. Only then were a 1000 army men deployed to bring the deranged situation under control.
“so little, so late”.
Apparently the districts are now under curfew and the situation seems to be under control. Moments ago the place used to be peaceful and now there is Section 144 order being imposed in most parts of the district. While the nation watched in rapt attention, the political parties were discussing the next step to be undertaken and deciding who is to blame and who should be taken to task.
Eventually, among the perpetrators and the ones involved, nobody had anything to do with the victim girl, her brother or the eve teaser. Nobody cared either.
Sadly a moment of deep grief serves as masala for our politicians and dailies.
“Is this situation comparable to Godhra….”:- oh really!what if it is comparable!
“Mulayam dares Modi to contest from U.P.”:- would this cool off the riots?
“Mulayam is the Modi of U.P.”:- yes! This was exactly the time to draw a parallel.
More drama is expected in the weeks to come so stay tuned.
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