A defeat in life is hard to accept, but to swallow that upset is something entirely different. Many people say, “You only get out of life what you put into it!’* But this statement is made on the basis of “How a Person Looks At It.” His own attitude determines whether things go well or ill.

The human body has a natural resistance to microbes, but this defense can be broken down by grudges and hates. The best protection for looking at things the wrong way is common sense. Never shrink before facts, but look at the difficulty and tell yourself what has to be done.
To acquire the right point of view and hold on to it, is never easy. Somehow people tend to look at things the wrong way.
The demented person who has had his hair brushed the wrong way never sees the difference between torment and peace, or between madness and sanity. This person will submit to the juvenile inner thought of, “My time for revenge will come. I’ll get even for this wrong that has been committed against me.” If people cannot get this attitude out of their head, they will never get well, physically or mentally. But if they see the way clear to surrender from this warehouse of ignorance, it is possible to blot out the past and start anew on a clean foundation of goodwill.
Resentment grows by feeding on injured feelings. A person can lie awake nights, plotting out a case against his enemy. Such a state of mind is a robber of sleep. It moves you out of bed without an appetite, and sends you out to the world with a chip on your shoulder. All of this because you chose to be offended. Had you chosen to make nothing of it, everything would have been different.
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