Infertility is a problem, which could happen to anyone. Many infertility treatment remedies to ensure fertility have been passed down from generations across many cultures and traditions. People familiar with Peruvian medicine boast of the effectiveness of maca powder, while there are many such remedies in Chinese medicine as well. However, modern medicine takes an entirely different route.
Luckily, nowadays there are a lot of effective ways of diagnosis and infertility treatment. Modern reproductive health clinics can treat almost any issue causing infertility among both men and women. Modern technologies and equipment allow for a variety of approaches in order to find a suitable one for every patient.
Diagnosis of infertility and its causes
There are a number of infertility tests, which are performed at the Reproductive Medical Centers:
- Medical history – first of all, the doctor examines the health history of both partners;
- Physical examination – there may be abnormalities causing infertility;
- Laboratory tests – blood tests are performed in order to examine the level of different hormones;
- Seminogram – semen samples are analyzed for sperm mobility and concentration;
- Ultrasound – the structure of female reproductive organs is evaluated. This is necessary in order to screen the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
Different causes of infertility are possible to observe among men and women in accordance with the following factors:
- Age – women after 30 gradually become less fertile. As for the men, sperm becomes less motile after they reach 40;
- Hormonal issues – these can cause problems with ovulation;
- Unhealthy lifestyle – excessive alcohol intake and smoking affect fertility. Taking drugs also puts reproduction health in danger;
- Reproductive system problems – different illnesses and traumas can lead to infertility, etc.
Types of Assisted Reproductive Technology for Infertility treatment
ART provides for a series of methods, that could facilitate conception and pregnancy:
- TESA & TESE – these procedures are performed for male infertility treatment. Sperm is collected surgically in order to fertilize the egg in the lab;
- IUI – this method suggests relocating sperm directly inside the uterus during ovulation. This way more sperm can reach the egg and the chance of fertilizing increases;
- IVF – this is a laboratory-based process, which implies fertilizing the egg with the sperm artificially. Embryo (fertilized egg) is then transferred directly into the uterus. Sperm, eggs, and embryos can be collected either from the intended parents or from a donor;
- ICSI – is like an improved version of the IVF. A single sperm is separated from the others and injected into the oocyte.
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