Throughout life, beginning from birth itself we interact with everything around in order to understand our environment. Knowledge would be nearly impossible without interaction. And the degree as well as, the quality of knowledge will be directly proportional to the degree and quality of interaction. Knowledge will be as extensive as our interaction.
A child of 4/5 years of age speaks correct language without even knowledge what grammar is. This is possible by interaction with parents, siblings, neighbors etc. This capacity to be able to know one’s mother tongue so well is a result of intense and need based interaction. The child listens so attentively that he picks up a language perfectly.
What holds good for a child in the matter of learning holds good for adults. Learning elementary things or elevated matters will call for concentrated attention. Our understanding for things will be just as sharp as our interaction.
The following advantages flow from interactive learning:-
- Doubts get cleared. Doubts get transformed into questions and curiosity seeks answers to questions.
- Concepts become clear which; in turn help better and deeper comprehension.
- Multiplicity of interpretation comes to get known which does not leave room for dogmatic beliefs.
- In consequence of (3) above, intellectual emancipation is gained.
- Uncritical acceptance of beliefs yields to logical understanding.
In the realistic environment of learning interaction with the teacher particularly helps in deeper and fuller understanding. The pupil frames and raises questions since he has to get a doubt or concept cleared; he begins to frame questions in a manner that makes doubts clear. No learning is complete – or to put it this way – all learning is incomplete until and unless doubts are dispelled with convincing logic. And all doubts will linger without interaction.
In the catechetical method of teaching, (catechetical means instruction by question and answer) learning takes place in the process of asking questions and receiving answers thereto. For learning, interaction should be:-
(a) Enthusiastic not dull.
(b) Curious not casual.
(c) Enlightening not for cavil.
(d) Honest not hypothetical.
(e) Frank not veiled.
In the end, it is good to remember that failure to interact in the manner suggested against (a) to (e) above, will jeopardize learning in a vital way. Conversely, interaction with real, curiosity, honesty and candor will benefit learning substantially.
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