How to take care of a hamster

To take care of hamster you will need a few things. Sometimes you even buy toys and other things. Hamsters also need love and care. They also are very delicate which means they can’t be played with like you would a dog. Also remember they have a very good since of smell.

Hamsters need lots of things for a complete healthy home. Some of the things they need for a healthy environment is a nice size food and water bowl, exercising wheel, bedding I would recommend pine, and food. You should feed them once or twice a day. And give them water every time they run out. You should only feed the hamster food you are for sure about if not look on the internet, or ask a friend with a hamster; also you could ask someone at a pet store or anyone like that.

Here are some more facts about taking care of hamsters. First of all you defiantly do not let your hamster run roam around your floors or high places. I know you would think some people would not do that but kids can get very curious just from experience. Also if you love to hold your hamsters please hold it correctly if you don’t it could fall out of your hands or worse. And don’t put in small airless places going to the kids.

After eating you probably will look in those little black eyes and want to pick it right up STOP! Do not do what I know you are going to do.

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