Great Tips For Disabled Individuals Who Want to Get Healthy

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Photo by Anas Aldyab from Pexels

The United States is home to nearly 50 million disabled people. For most disabled individuals, finding a way to avoid letting their disability define who they are is important. Finding a way to live a normal and healthy life with a disability can be challenging, but definitely achievable.

Getting healthy is something anyone can do regardless of their physical or mental limitations. All a person has to do to get healthy is to figure out what they need to work on and devise a plan. Sticking to this plan is the hard part. With a bit of hard work and tenacity, a disabled individual will be able to see the fruits of their labor in no time, added Keep Moving Care.

Here are some great tips for disabled individuals who want to get healthy.

Start With a Visit to Your Primary Care Doctor

Are you trying to figure out where to start your fitness journey? If so, visiting your primary care doctor is essential. These medical professionals will have in-depth knowledge about your disability and medical history. With this information, they can give you an idea of what health issues you need to work on.

For instance, if you are a bit overweight, getting on a diet is a good idea. Not only will a diet help you lose weight, but it can also give you more energy as well. Eating a consistent diet of fast food and sugary snacks can wreak havoc on your body. The longer you keep up these bad eating habits, the more health and dental issues you will have to deal with.

The sugar in these bad foods will do a number on your teeth. Scheduling a visit to a trusted dentist can help you detect and fix cavities before they do a lot of damage. Don’t have dental insurance? No problem. Check out the dental insurance plans on the HealthMarkets website. With a quick search, you can look at several different plans that are affordable.

Getting Healthy Won’t Happen Overnight

In the age of instant gratification, most people have a hard time waiting for results. If you are a disabled individual who is trying to get healthy, you need to realize the results will not be immediate. You will have to put in a lot of hard work before you start to see noticeable changes in your body. A ceiling hoist is a mechanical system that makes it easier to lift and move a patient or individual with limited mobility. Initially, you may have to use this till you become more mobile. Click here for info on ceiling hoists.

Instead of giving up when results don’t come as quick as you think they should, stay the course. Finding a diet and exercise that work for you is important. Not everyone is the same when it comes to what they can eat and what activities they can do.

Luckily, there are several exercises that people with limited mobility can do. When first trying out new workouts, be sure to listen to your body. Trying to push yourself too hard can end in injury. This is why you need to take it slow and avoid overdoing it.

Experts recommend at least 150 minutes of exercise a week if you want to get healthier. This averages out to around 20 to 30 minutes a day. While this may be hard at first, it will get progressively more comfortable as time goes by.

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Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU from Pexels

Avoid Going on This Fitness Journey Alone

Having a workout partner can be beneficial for a disabled individual who is trying to stay motivated about getting healthy. If a person tries to take on the task of staying motivated on their own, they are bound to have hiccups along the way. The only way to avoid these problems is by pairing up with a friend that will hold you accountable. You can join NDIS Respite where you get short-term accommodation away from your home.

Not only will a workout partner be there to push you, but they will also challenge you as well. Working out with a partner can increase the fun factor as well. Before choosing a workout partner, you need to consider factors like their availability and any limitations they may have. With a bit of research, you should have no problem choosing the right person to pair with. Using proper prosthesis or support devices such as Ankle-foot orthosis braces (AFO) will help you to work on your fitness in case of any neurological abnormalities.

Staying Focused is Imperative

As a disabled person, you are probably already pretty driven and motivated. Taking this same motivated frame of mind and applying it to your fitness journey will serve you well. There will be times when you feel like giving up, but you need to push through to achieve your goals.

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