It is the Monsoon season in Manipal and very soon everyone will be chanting “Rain, rain, rain-go away…” but to think about it, without water (H2O), life is destined for population dehydration.
“Drink water, drink water, drink water..”
Water softening is the removal of calcium, magnesium, and certain other metal cations in hard water. It is wise to do some investigating and comparison-shopping before you buy a water softener unit. In case you have no idea of the water softening systems, you need to equip yourself with knowledge, including reviews of softeners, to get the best in the market.
Since 80% of the earth’s surface is water (maybe more now), and 70% of the human body is water—water is absolutely essential for life. Even bone has over 30% water. So a ten percent loss of body water results in critical illness. And an 18-20% loss of body water usually leads to death. It has been said that next to oxygen, water is the most important item in our human lives.
Without oxygen, a person can only survive a few minutes, without food, a person can survive four to five weeks, but without water, a person can only survive a few days. Therefore, accepting the idea that water comes second in nature to the survival of life, adequate amounts of H2O in a diet program proves successful for weight loss and good health maintenance.
Good health requires a “water balance,” which means the water intake must equal the output. Usually about 50% of the water taken in by the body comes from fluids such as soft drinks, coffee, juice, milk, and obviously water itself. And approximately 40% comes from solids in the diet. Therefore, by decreasing the solid intake (such as dieting), fluids must be increased to maintain the “water balance.” The function of water is the primary means of transportation in the body.
Fuel from food must be transferred to the cells, plasma (90% water) accomplishes the task of transporting blood through arteries and veins. All of this is done with the aid of water.
Other ways water is used is with respiration. Very delicate membranes of the respiratory tree require adequate moisture to work properly. This is a requirement for the proper exchange of gases in the lungs. This is what soothes the irritated nose and throat membranes when excessive drying happens.
Water also is a lubricant in place such as joints. This allows effective functioning such as swallowing.
As we breathe in and out, 1/2 to 2/3 of a quart of water is lost per day. So water intake is very important not only for the organs inside our bodies, but also to avoid dehydration. Drinking more water not only lubricates your system but it rejuvenates the skin, reduces hunger, and reduces fluid retention.
Fluid retention occurs when too much sodium remains in concentration and there isn’t enough sodium-free water to dilute the mixture. Thus, the body is unable to excrete the excess sodium. So the more water you drink the less bloated you will be. Replacing water is a must and developing good water drinking habits will increase a better diet and healthier well-being.
When it is hot outside drink more water. The recommended average is eight-ten ounces, eight lo twelve limes per day. When you exercise, drink plenty of water before and after. Water helps oxygen reach the muscles better. As they say in the military, “Drink water, drink water, drink water..”
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