So, it’s the end of the penultimate year. 2012 is just about troll us soon. The End is nigh, and we had asked you the five things you would do if the world was to end tonight. Well, our friend SarahTaelman from Belgium seems to have a plan.
First and foremost, I’d probably tell my mom that I love her and that she’s been the best mother in the world. This might seem pretty lame, as we’re all about to die, but I think it’s important you tell your loved ones you actually love them.
Secondly, I’d call my best friend – not caring where the heck she might be – and we’d probably have a superlong conversation about the stupidest things (like machine – controlling monkeys, gravitational poles, how pink elephants fly faster than orange pigs and The Rose of Hope), because that’s simply how we roll. I daresay it’d calm me down more than hearing people say it’ll all be okay. Besides, if you’re going to die, why not go laughing?
Then I’d probably do something really drastic, reckless and incredibly stupid. I’m still trying to figure out what I’d do precisely, but the options of running around the streets, singing ‘City’ by Hollywood Undead, while dancing in my bikini and shooting at everything with elastic bands come to mind.
As a fourth thing, while dancing, singing and shooting, I’d go to the house of the boy I’ve got a crush on at the time (and if I don’t have a crush on anyone, I’ll just grab a random cute guy from the street) and kiss the crap out of him, regardless whether he has a girlfriend or not (hey, you’ve got to enjoy your life while it lasts, right?).
Fifthly? I’d run back to my house, grab my mom, stepdad and brothers and sit cowering in the living room, watching the destruction of the world, hoping that we’ll all go to a much much better place.
Yeah, that’s practically what I would do. I think. I might still change my mind, but … ah well. The whole point is: I’m not scared per se. Chances are that, when this killer solar flare thingy comes, we probably won’t notice and die painless (at least, I hope so. I don’t fancy running around in pain). In any case, I’m not too worried. There were doomsday scares in 1994, too and look at that! We’re still here. For how long remains the question, but I’m not too bothered by it. It’s not because the world’s coming to an end that we should stop living our lives, right?
To end with Shakespeare’s quote: Cowards die many times before their deaths.
Cheers! Sarah
Hey look! Firewor-OH WAIT
Unfortunately, we don’t have her photograph, so in case you see anyone running around in a bikini, you know who it is.
What are the five things you would do?
Mail your entries to [email protected]and we will feature it on our site.
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