The dreaded week of each college student comes down to this sleep-depriving, lack of eating, all out studying marathon in which the unhealthiest habits are magnified to an extreme in many people. However, finals week doesn’t necessarily have to be as such. Given the right amount of preparation time, sleep, and nutrients you could come out of this week with confidence, rest, and energy to start off the summer right! Here are a few steps to follow to get you on the right track:
1. Get Sleep. We have all heard of all the statistics saying that your brain performs better when it has at least 8 hours of sleep under its belt when answering those tough exam questions. Sometimes
it’s better to let your head hit the pillow instead of keeping it up for an extra hour, drowned in caffeine and sugar. Also, to ensure you’re well rested in general before finals week, it is suggested to stay in and take it real easy a week before your first exam. Do some relaxing, watch movies to give your body a break from all the exam stress.
2. Make a Calendar. If your life is planned out and in order, maybe you will be too! Write down all of your activities for finals week, including final times, places, study group meetings, other extracurricular meetings, even lunch and dinner times, and most importantly, times allotted for solo studying and SLEEP. It will really come in handy and make sure you’re on the right track.
3. Don’t Panic! How much is each final in each class worth relative to your overall grade? Calculate
the grade you have in the class and then see what you would like to get on the final in order to keep your grade where it is, or raise it. Remember that finals don’t make or break your grade; usually
they’re not worth as much as you may think. Take your time with studying, do well, but there’s no
reason to panic. All you can ask of yourself is to do the best you can possibly do.
4. Arrive on Time for the Exam. It is absolutely embarrassing to arrive to a final late especially because this gives you less time to take the final than everyone else and everyone knows it. Get there at least 5 minutes early so you can get your pencils, pens, erasers ready and everything in order on your desk. Take a few minutes to just breathe and clear your head.
5. When the exam is over, let it go! You’ve done the best you possibly can on the test. There’s no
reason to stress out about it anymore; there’s nothing more you can do. You have more exams to worry about and more hours of studying. Forget about how you did and move on! Getting anxiety over the last test will only be detrimental to how you do on the next one.
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