Racks full of books are under Dr Vijay’s possession.He is a resident in Radiology here in Manipal and so quite obvious to have this load of books.Still he says this is one third of what he should actually have by now!!I had to believe him when I visited his colleague’s room nearly double than this.
And as if hard copies are not enough he recently bought a comp to store the images and also planning to get a net connection to look for more material and recent advances!!
Proud to be a radiologist-Dr Vijay
Compare and contrast.This is doc Chintan’s racks.Only few books and that too in one corner under his jacket so that they can sleep nicely!!Rest of space is captured by box of sweet and cosmetics.In spite of my advice that -‘god’s mistakes cannot be corrected by powders and perfumes’- he is sticking to them!!
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