I hold these hands
Like they used to hold mine
I look in those eyes
Waiting for a sign
There’s a hitch in your breath
And I have to let go
I hold that stubbled cheek
And your eyelashes meet
The corners of that seam
Never really closed properly
You hold my arm
They’re going to darken tomorrow
A pretty blue-black
Just like the sky at midnight
Do you remember the stars?
The way you spent hours
Searching for your mother
Said she burnt the brightest
Up there back home in August
I hold these hands
Hoping you will remember
Like I can never forget
The look in your eyes
And the taste of my name
Upon your soft lips
As you held me close
And counted the endless stars.
About the Poet: Pranathi likes reading gay fanfiction in her free time and describes herself as poisoned cotton candy. Her poetry is dark at best and very rarely happy. She studies BPharm at Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and loves chemistry.
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