One of the most challenging jobs after moving into your new home is decorating it in a pleasing, comforting, charming, and aesthetic manner. Often you have that odd bookcase, shelf, or tabletop that doesn’t fit in and poses a huge dilemma.
Further, there are choices in lighting, interior colors, pillows and sheets, curtains, flowers, mirrors, etc., which, if not set just right, can give a feeling of being trapped in a dull and cluttered home.
Here CNY House Buyers present a few ideas for a quick makeover of your home, which might help make your day-to-day activities more productive due to the positive energies flowing through your home. At CNY House Buyers, we buy houses in Syracuse NY, in any condition or situation.
Create a balance between like and unlike!!
Often we tend to just place things that are similar in one place. This might be helpful to remember where you placed your stuff; however, we have to remember while decorating a house that we avoid boredom setting in. Hence, creatively displaying objects is more important than just choosing exciting objects.
To keep your visitors interested in your home, there must be a sense of harmony (i.e., blend in the objects with their surroundings and styles) and, at the same time, a bit of chaos (contrasting texture, stripes, shapes, etc…) that makes one wonder what the idea is all about. Do not overdo this, however. Too much of anything is always overkill. You want a bit of both in your arrangement.
Choosing your pillows
Pillows also come in odd shapes and sizes and can add beauty to your interiors. They can also provide contrasts in texture and can create dramatic accents. Bright colors and bold patterns add life to a dull couch and warm your stiff furniture. Keep mixing the patterns but keep them from tiring the eye.
Magnitude and Magnificence
It is imperative to remember to keep things in proportion to their surroundings. A small candlestick on a vast table would look totally out of place… Instead, use one in proportion to the magnitude of the table or use many candlesticks together. Similarly, place a flower vase/ flower arrangement on an end table proportionate to the display.
We generally make the mistake of using things that are too small for our surroundings. It is better to group these items together on a plate or fabric to give them an exciting appeal.
Place that mirror right.
An ideally positioned mirror can create two things – give the appearance of extra space and provide exciting reflections. In a cramped room, a strategically placed mirror could offer you the extra space you thought only remodeling would do. Always hang mirrors opposite things you want to see more of, opposite a piece of artwork, or window, or an indoor plant.
Highs, lows, and appeal
Based on the two ideas above, you have identified the objects you want to fit into an unoccupied space. It’s now time to remember the highs and lows of the arrangement. Start with a larger, taller piece slightly off-center…this will be the defining piece in your arrangement. Now work to the outer edges in layers…
Add a taller background layer, a middle-sized medium-height layer, and your tiniest objects in the front.
Keep the eye moving up and down as it purveys the arrangement from left to right for interest. Add some lace or frills along the edges of a table or shelf, place some colored objects around objects you want to highlight, and give appeal to your décor.
Lighting your home
Lighting is almost always the cornerstone of home décor. Creating an atmosphere, attracting attention to a unique object, and highlighting a particular home part is often more accessible with light and shadows.
It is always advisable to have two different lighting options at home, the first for daily use and the second for special occasions when you are entertaining guests or are in the mood for rest and relaxation. Often subtle small lights placed at exciting places, such as at the base of a potted plant, on a side table, or behind curtains, can give a unique feel to the atmosphere.
Above all, keep trying new combinations of items until you find an arrangement that works for you. Use things in unusual ways. Tuck flowers or a live plant into an arrangement that seems too static. Even professional designers will occasionally be surprised by trying things in a new way!
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