Art and Culture


For those who don’t know, HUES is an annual cultural week of MCODS, Manipal usually held in the month of March. All kinds of events from singing, acting, dancing to cooking are held in a short span of 6 days. […]

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Art and Culture

Movie Review – Captain Marvel

The film had a lot of talk surrounding it as a simple piece of the larger MCU puzzle seemed to be in the spotlight in the media for a myriad of reasons ranging from being politically correct, a desperate attempt for inclusion and for supposedly being MCU’s tribute to women empowerment. And those expecting the last, have been let down by a mile seeing nothing ‘new and fresh’ in this film. But did the film achieve what it set out to? Navaneethcrshna thinks so. […]

Prisoner of Yakutsk author interview
Art and Culture

Author Interview: Shreyas Bhave

We at ManipalBlog are delighted to bring this interview with Mr. Shreyas Bhave, entrepreneur, musician and author of the best selling “The Asoka Trilogy” book series. He also devotes his energies to a start-up that provides quality services to users […]