27th March 2019 was a glorious day in the history of space research and space defence systems of India. After successfully completing Mission Shakti, the Prime Minister of India gleefully announced that our country had now entered into an elite league of nations, in terms of space warfare. India is the only developing country and fourth after the States, Russia, and China in successfully testing out the anti-Satellite Missile system (ASAT).
Basically, the ASAT system is designed for military purposes, to destroy any other country’s Low- Earth-orbiting satellite. It took the ballistic missile defence interceptor less than 3 minutes to destroy a satellite, thus extending our country’s reign in the space area. Another quite remarkable thing is that this technology is indigenously developed and it adds on to India’s achievements, given the fact how our nation was initially kept away from acquiring sophisticated technologies for space and nuclear development.
The way the DRDO and the ISRO have evolved India’s space and defence culture is genuinely inspirational. Whenever I read about their astounding achievements or incredible feats, it reminds me of how India was mocked initially by the NY times in 2014 during the Mangalyaan mission. When the Mangalyaan mission was declared a success, a graphic was released in the NY Times in which it was seen that a couple of rich, well dressed sophisticated people were sitting inside an “Elite Space Club,” reading about India’s successful Mars mission. A poor Indian farmer, who came along with his cow, seemed to knock at the club’s door, seeking entry into it.
2014 to 2019
5 years Challenge??
This was the cartoon by @nytimes mocking India in 2014. Proud to see India’s fantastic progress in space in last 5 yrs. pic.twitter.com/FzuKPRXUWg— AlgoBulls (@AlgoBulls) March 28, 2019
The way India was insulted on an international platform and how it was portrayed as an impoverished and undeveloped country, set all the Indian’s hearts on fire. Thus, it paved a magical way in space and defence sector of India.
This significant accomplishment by India not only speaks about the passion and the quality of the think tank we possess in our space and defence organizations but also displays how we have achieved so many things using bare minimum resources imported from other countries, thus creating sophisticated tech indigenously to protect our citizens from any kind of casualties!
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