An attention grabbing conversation about the climate change was organised by Gandhian Centre For Philosophical Arts and Sciences on 11 October, 2019 in front of the Edu building, Manipal. Students from various sectors of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) gathered to strike a conversation about the reasons they think that is concerning our environment and climate change. The students explicitly sat on the ground in favour to the protest against plastic chairs and spoke about the disturbing facts of the society which leads to grater change in climate.
On the process of this discussion, one of the participants stood up to share his experience in Andaman Islands which is being overly polluted in his eyes. Instead of recycling the waste or finding a way to pull it down, it is being thrown into the ocean in order to keep the beaches clean. Apart from that, most of the students spoke about how the climate is being a victim to such actions.
Adding on to it, another entrant recaptured her memories of enjoying snowfall in Nainital during the archaic term of Christmas whereas now it snows only in January. Many of the contributors articulated about the usage of plastic from the start of our day till the end. “The prices of the organic or biodegradable materials should be cut down because one could afford to use it more rather than the usual things which we tend to buy due to cheaper option.” said Nivedita Dutta, a first year student of Manipal Institute of Communication.

The ideas came streaming in by every participant who showcased amazing amount of dedication and enthusiasm in implementing the ideas which could bring about change in our environment. Each of them shot the breeze about effective ideas to adopt in everyday life that could eventually reduce the usage of plastic and other non biodegradable materials. The conclusion was enhanced by Prof Varadesh Hiregange, the Director of Gandhian Centre for Philosophical Arts and Sciences who stimulated the participants to take a step further and carry out every idea that was discussed beneficially.
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