AOGES starts its Pilot GYAN LAB at Madhava Kripa School, Manipal

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ADD-on-GYAN Educational Services (P) Ltd. (Manipal University’s 1st Student Company in Incubation) recently started its Pilot Gyan Lab at Madhava Kripa School, Manipal. Here is a 1st Exclusive Report of the work being done documented by Mr. Abhash Kumar – Director &Co-Founder of the Company.

“We are already one month into running our pilot model at Madhav Kripa School, Manipal and the response that the product is getting from the students of Standard VI – X is extremely encouraging.

The interest levels soar to their maximum during the Gyan Labs sessions operated in the school. The kids can be seen exploring the electrical and physics components with amazement. Although, using a multimeter or seeing a resistor in action is something that they have never experienced before, but the interactive manuals and the helpful Lab Personnel ensure that they understand the nuances quickly. In no time do they go from, “What is all this?” to “Why can’t we connect a 1.5 V LED to a 9V battery?” and every possible conceivable question.

They get to work on project kits ranging from ‘Learning to use a multimeter’, to ‘Making an electromagnet’, to ‘Exploring Eddy currents, and finding out ‘How the Hydraulic lift mechanism works’. And the hands-on approach is definitely a hit. The students also get to make innovative things such as ‘Lava lamps’ and have fun with ‘Squishy circuits’, at the same time, getting valuable knowledge through keen observation.

Having taken the feedback from students periodically, here is the result that our team has got. 94 % of the students find the Labs very interesting; 93 % think that they are highly innovative and a whooping 100% want more of such sessions in their school curriculum.

The Gyan Labs team and its directors are also excited about the response. They had prepared a workbook for the students of the school and distributed it free of cost to see whether it garnered interest from the students fuelling their quest to know more about science phenomenon occurring around them in the natural world. The students were given the books and advised to work upon it. The book has various sections dedicated to topics like Biography of various ancient & modern Indian Scientists, steps and scientific procedure to be followed while conducting experiments and doing projects and some pages on coolest inventions and the amazing world of robotics.

The book also has 20 MIYs (Make It Yourself) projects, which can be done at home with everyday stuff under parent’s supervision, and include fun experiments like making floating soap bubbles, making things glow in dark, creating invisible ink, constructing a mini-greenhouse etc.

The team at Gyan Labs is working on devising more of such projects in the coming time so that they can provide students, insight into the fields of not only sciences, but also other subjects. “

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