Poor MU officials did not know that a rapid turn of political events will change the Chief Minister of Karnataka when they sent him an invite to Mr. Yedurappa a month ago. Mr. Yedurappa was invited to be the chief guest in the inauguration ceremony of the swimming pool in Marena. The invite was sent, but then Mr. Yedurappa had to resign and finally he had to attend the ceremony as he had given his word to the MU officials.
He landed in Manipal on 1800 hours on 1st of August. He looked very somber and was getting irritated at every single thing. A suite was booked in Valley View for him where he was to stay for the night. He was heard screaming at the waitress for not wishing him. And when he was served tea he quoted Abraham Lincoln and yelled at the waitress again, “IF THIS IS TEA BRING ME COFFEE AND IF THIS IS COFFEE BRING ME TEA!!” The manager of Valley View came to apologize to Mr. Yedurappa for the ‘Tea-Coffee Confusion’ and in return got a tight slap from the ex-Chief Minister. The slap was so hard that the ex-CM was seen wearing a crepe bandage in his hand at the inauguration. Both the waitress and the manager are in shock.
During the inauguration ceremony he looked cheerful and seemed to have forgotten the ‘political conspiracy’ against him. He was given a tour inside the sports complex and he played indoor golf with the high ranked MU officials. It was during the welcome speech when things went wrong. A dumb student of KMC, who was giving the welcome speech, mentioned Mr. Yedurappa as the Chief Minister of the state. All of a sudden the atmosphere got eerily quiet and Mr. Yedurappa rose from his place, looking very red. He went to the student and what he did next was completely unprecedented both to the student and everyone in the function. He dragged the student from the dais, screamed,”DO YOUR HOMEWORK PROPERLY” and pushed him in the swimming pool. Everyone was dumb-struck as the student performed a neat back style in front of the crowd. Mr. Yedurappa left without a word.
The student joined the manager and the waitress in KMC later, though he was happy for the fact that he was the first student to splash in the brand new swimming pool of Marena. Mr. Yedurappa had a troubled night in his suite because of the omnipresent Manipal Bugs who were tirelessly revolting against the fiasco in the evening! He left Manipal during early hours with several rashes on his hands and legs.
Our sources from inside have told that the MU officials are henceforth planning to very careful about inviting the politicians in there ceremonies, especially the ‘Ex-politicians’, who tend to get so touchy and emotional because of the unlimited baseless conspiracies against them. (No Pun intended)
P.S: All facts in this article are made up. But you already knew that din’t you?
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Love your sense of humour! What imagination, Yaar! Yeddy pushing the guy in pool! Can't stop laughing!Ha Ha Ha!
Love your sense of humour! What imagination, Yaar! Yeddy pushing the guy in pool! Can't stop laughing!Ha Ha Ha!
@anonymous: Haha! 😀 thnx! He is going thru a traumatic phase 😛