I remember the time not long ago
When we laughed and shared it all
We were the very best of friends
Or at least that’s what I thought.
Who would have thought we’d be best friends?
Who would have known on you I could depend?
Who could have seen it would end so fast?
Now our strong bond remains in the past.
You were there for me as long as it worked for you.
I never realized how much I depended on you.
I never knew i was the sole reason
for severing of our ties,
The one who was lacking,
The one who was wrong.
Anywhere I looked
there was a friend to counsel me,
there was a friend to scold me,
there were people who judged me.
I never knew I was the only who was absent in our friendship.
I thought I was loyal
I know I was true
But something went wrong
Now there’s nothing to do.
We see each other every other day
but not as friends just mere acquaintances
and our friendship gone forever.
About the Poet: Ayush Shrivastav is a student pursuing Mechanical Engineering at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal.
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