Male and female infertility is a problem that is increasingly on the rise throughout the world. Today, over 50 to 80 million couples in the world are facing the need to undergo infertility treatment.
Male and female infertility is a problem that is increasingly on the rise throughout the world. Today, over 50 to 80 million couples in the world are facing the need to undergo infertility treatment. Moreover, this number increases by another 2 million every year – and these stats only account for people who have turned to doctors with their reproductive issues.
Within the past few years, Ukraine has become one of the centers of medical tourism and, more specifically, a go-to destination to address male and female infertility issues.
Medical diagnosis
Women are diagnosed with infertility in case pregnancy has not occurred throughout the year, provided that sexual intercourse has been regular and contraceptives have not been used. In turn, men are diagnosed with infertility if a woman – healthy and capable of conceiving a child – does not get pregnant within a year during which regular sexual intercourse takes place.
Professionals in Ukraine specialize in conducting a vast array of tests to determine the causes and nature of female infertility:
- gynecological examination;
- abdominal ultrasound;
- X-ray;
- colposcopy;
- hormonal tests;
- laparoscopy;
- hysteroscopy and more.
As for male infertility, the following methods can be applied:
- urological examination;
- spermogram;
- MAR test;
- hormonal tests;
- composition of post orgasmic urine.
- testicular biopsy and more.
Treating male and female infertility
Once the cause of infertility is correctly diagnosed, your doctor will be able to advise you the most effective treatment strategy. For example, here at, we specialize in various techniques to treat female infertility such as:
- endocrine infertility;
- tuboperitoneal infertility;
- uterine infertility;
- endometriosis-caused infertility;
- immunological infertility, etc.
Male infertility is usually treated by way of hormones and non-hormonal products, surgery, alternative methods and psychotherapy.
In most cases, male and female infertility can be effectively treated, provided that high-quality diagnostics was applied. To prevent infertility, couples should undergo timely treatment of all diseases, lead a healthy lifestyle as well as safe and consistent sexual life.
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