Synopsis: Tintin and Captain Haddock set off on a treasure hunt for a sunken ship commanded by Haddock’s ancestor. But someone else is in search of the ship. IMDB
What’s Good:
Imagination knows no boundaries. That’s the feeling this movie leaves you with. Spielberg directs a sensational montage of clever cinematography and artistic storytelling. The CGI, script, emotion and eye-popping 3d format blend together for a perfect entertainment cocktail. With underlying morality subplots the entertainment goes beyond to teach positive lessons leaving the audience with a feel-good atmosphere saturated with childlike innocence. There is literally no good reason NOT to watch this movie.
End Note:
If you like stories, adventure and knock your socks off action, make it a point to catch this while its on the big screen. The huge screen and multiple speakers with cinema hall popcorn just amplify the awesomeness that is, Tin Tin.
Navdeep Kohli
M so gonna see this one!!