We all know (or should know) that brushing and flossing regularly is essential to keep our smile bright and healthy. But what else can we do to keep our pearly whites in tip-top shape?
See 6 Tips from Parkala Dental Clinic for a healthier smile below:
Visit your dentist.
This may be obvious, but it can’t be stressed enough. The number one key to a healthy, beautiful smile is prevention. Regular check-ups and hygiene appointments keep teeth clean and catch any potential problems early on. This alone can prevent disease, pain, and a lot of avoidable dental treatments.
Keep your mouth free of sugar, which leads to decay.
This means avoiding eating between meals, not drinking sugary drinks, and chewing only sugar-free gum. Further, brushing between meals can get rid of any sugary or sticky substance that might be left in your mouth.
Straighten them.
Having a properly aligned set of teeth is not just aesthetic; proper alignment prevents unnecessary stress to the jaw, is easier to clean, and carries a reduced risk for plaque build-up, tooth decay, and gum disease. In addition, clear aligners can improve your smile while the teeth become more aesthetically aligned.
Quit smoking or chewing tobacco.
Tobacco will stain your teeth and cause bad breath—yuck!
Whiten them.
Consider a quick, in-office procedure or an at-home regimen to eliminate discolorations and brighten your smile. To keep them dazzling, limit food and drink that can cause stains. The top offenders in the average diet include black coffee, tea, and wine.
Prevent tooth enamel erosion.
Avoid acidic foods (the worst culprits are usually soft drinks) and brush too vigorously. Other factors that can lead to tooth erosion include acid reflux and dry mouth. Addressing these causes can keep your teeth strong and free of sensitivity.
These tips are a few of the easiest and most effective ways, on top of regular brushing and flossing, that you can use to help you achieve and maintain a healthy and attractive smile that will last you a lifetime.
Put your best smile forward.
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