If you’ve been hearing about medical cannabis a lot lately, you’re not alone. The topic of CBD or medical cannabis has always been a controversial one since there are still a lot of people who think it just has the same psychoactive effects as cannabis. CBD is non-psychoactive and hence does not get you high. In fact, there are many benefits to CBD products, and has been found to treat or alleviate many medical issues.
Visit Beginner Grow Guide to learn more about how cannabis use for medical treatments.
What Is CBD?
CBD is short for cannabidiol. It’s an ingredient found in the cannabis plant, which has two species: marijuana and hemp. Hemp contains high levels of CBD and low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Meanwhile, marijuana contains high levels of THC and low levels of CBD. Now, THC is the component that is psychoactive and gives the feeling of euphoria. So, when you take CBD, there really is no need to worry about getting high or addicted to it.

The Popularity Of The CBD Industry
Due to the many medical benefits emerging from studies about CBD, the amount of CBD-infused products in the market are increasing and getting more creative. It is predicted that the CBD industry will reach $20 billion by 2024, growing at an annual compound rate of 49% (this is according to the leading CBD researcher, BDS Analytics). There are many types of products out there such as CBD vitamins, chocolates, coffee, beer, vape, skincare, oils, and even bath bombs.
CBD Made Legal
The first reason for the popularity of medical cannabis is its legalization. The U.S. Farm Bill in 2018 made industrialized hemp legal in the country, as well as the legalization of medicinal and recreational cannabis in some U.S. states. This opened many opportunities for individuals to start CBD or medical cannabis businesses. It’s inevitable that more countries will follow in these footsteps and soon make it accessible too.
Comes in the form of Vape
7 out of 10 smokers say they want to quit the habit. As expected, it’s never an easy process. This is where e-cigarettes and vapes have become popular. Vaping is the inhaling and exhaling the aerosol, referred to as vapor. Vaping in itself has been controversial these few years, yet young adults continue to use them. When used in moderation, vaping shouldn’t be that dangerous. There are different flavours available and you can check out this website link for more information on CBD vape.
More research and studies on its medical benefits
CBD is a natural ingredient that carries many benefits, both minor health issues and serious medical conditions:
- Pain relief for chronic pain. Check out some recommended CBD products in this link https://www.healthcanal.com/
best-cbd-oil - Reduces acne, swelling, redness
- Eases anxiety/stress/depression
- Cancer symptoms and stops tumor growth
- Epilepsy
- Multiple sclerosis
- Nausea
- Improve Heart Health
- Manages seizures
- Autism
- Schizophrenia
- Diabetes
There have been several studies that back up these claims. However, more clinical research still needs to be done to directly link CBD as a treatment. In short, there is no strong scientific evidence yet for professionals to declare CBD as the official treatment. More of this will be discussed later in the reasons.
As mentioned previously, though there has been multiple research on CBD benefits, there simply hasn’t been enough controlled clinical trials that indicate that CBD directly treats these medical conditions–but the results are promising. It’s positive findings with anxiety, chronic pain, and its ability to inhibit tumor growth related to cancer, will just further motivate and push pressure on more researchers and institutions to investigate this ingredient. The faster they confirm the benefits, the more people they can treat people.
More Places that Sell
Another reason for medical cannabis popularity is it being easily accessible in many places. They are not just in pharmaceutical and dispensaries anymore but also in general retail (cafes, malls, smoke shops, grocery stores). The industry has spurred many entrepreneurs to start their own businesses and is now also available online at varying prices.
Strong Media Presence
With more recent findings and research, plus its closeness to the topic of marijuana, medical cannabis is a hot topic for the media; after all, when does the media shy away from a controversial topic? There have also been celebrity testimonials which of course, is a powerful marketing tool for anything.
Closing Thoughts
It would be wise to keep an eye on the growing popularity of medical cannabis, and CBD. It’s inevitable legalization, future research, creative new CBD products, and a strong media presence all contribute to this ever-growing and every profitable industry. Soon, it will no longer be a controversial topic but a normal ingredient in our lives.
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