You will find many articles that give tips on how to avoid and overcome difficulties that students like you may experience. Instead of giving you such tips, we will tell you about the common habits and attitudes of students that may lead to poor academic performance. And to help you become an efficient student, we will also give you some tips on how to avoid such tempting habits.
To take a day off from school work is not detrimental to your academic productivity, just as long as you do not do it too often. Unless you are one of those students who can actually work well under pressure, procrastination should never be a temptation you succumb to every so often. Your need to be away from those mentally exhausting school work should not be an excuse to be unproductive. Remember that even on such a day, you can still do useful tasks that do not need serious thinking. For instance, you can arrange your files so that when the moment comes for you to work on your assignments, you don’t have to waste time looking for files. If you are assigned to write a paper, you can spend your day browsing books in the library. Doing so would make it easy for you to gather your sources when you begin to write your draft.
Some students tend to be contented with mediocrity. Their goal is not really to shine by excelling academically but just to pass the exam and to graduate. Some students who settle for mediocre results do not see or realize that their performance in school will really affect their pursuit of future goals. For high school students, grades are a significant factor in gaining admissions to the college of their choice. For college students, the GPA can make or break their admissions to the best graduate, medical, or law school. So in doing your essays, exams, and homework, try to outdo yourself by doing better each time.
Having a negative attitude is a hindrance in achieving your goals. Negativity develops self-perceived incompetence in a person, which can lead to poor academic performance. Failure should not be an excuse for self-pity. What you should do is to move on and use your failures to help you do things better the next time. You should use the lessons you have learned from your failures to improve yourself.
As a student, there are really many instances that will require you to make decisions that will have a big impact on your future. In some of these instances, you will even be forced to decide instantly. You just have to learn to distinguish what decisions really need time and what decisions you can make immediately. Making your thesis proposal, for instance, requires time. Remember that the decision you will make regarding your thesis topic proposal has a long-term effect on your academic life. Other decisions you will have to make in the future should have to be thought of carefully and slowly.
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