10 advantages of the .NET

1. Language Independence – At present there are more than 35 languages .NET compatible languages with .NET. All the languages compile to a Common Intermediate language(MSIL).This means that languages are interoperable in a way that has not been seen before.

2. Object Oriented Programming -Both the .NET Framework and C# are entirely based on object-oriented principles right from the start.

3. Good Design – a base class library, which is designed from the ground up in a highly intuitive way.

4. Better support for Dynamic Web Pages – while ASP offered a lot of flexibility, it was also inefficient because of its use of interpreted scripting languages, and the lack of object-oriented design often resulted in messy ASP code..NET offers an interpreted support for web pages, using a new technology- ASP.NET. With ASP.NET, code in your pages is compiled, and may be written in a.NET-aware high level language such as VB.NET, C#.NET, J#.

5. Efficient Data Access – a set of .NET components, collectively known as ADO.NET, provides efficient access to relational databases and a variety of data sources. Components are also available to allow access to the file system and to directories. In particular, XML support is built into.NET, allowing you to manipulate data, which may be imported from or exported to non-Windows platform.

6. Code Sharing – .NET completely revamped the way that code is shared between applications, introducing the concept of the assembly, which replaces the traditional DLL. Assemblies have formal facilities for versioning and different versions of assemblies can exist side by side.

7. Improved security– each assembly can also contain built in security information that can indicate precisely who or what category of user or process is allowed to call which methods on which classes. This gives you a very fine degree of control over how the assemblies that you deploy can be used.

8. Zero Impact Installation – there are two types of assembly: shared and private. Shared assemblies are common libraries available to all software, while private assemblies are intended only for use with particular software.

A private assembly is entirely self-contained, so the process of installing it is simple. There are no registry entries; the appropriate files are simply placed in the appropriate folder in the file system.

9. Support for web services- .NET has fully integrated support for developing web services as easily as you’d develop any other type of application.

10. Visual Studio.NET – .NET comes with a developer environment, VS.NET, which can cope equally well with C++, C#, J# and VB.NET as well as with ASP.NET code.VS.NET integrates all the best features of the respective language-specific environments of Visual Studio 6.

.NET is designed to help solve several fundamental problems faced by the programmers.
So get inspired

. There is a lot this technology can offer!

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