Welcome, my fellow Yogi! I hope you haven’t skipped your class today. Or, are you one of those who do it individually and at their own pace? If that is the case, then I hope you haven’t skipped your day-to-day routine. If you are struggling to maintain it, just remind yourself of all the health benefits that go with this sport. Better yet, remind yourself of that amazing feeling you get after each session. Additional info.
Speaking of that, tell me, how do you actually feel when your training is finished? I don’t know about you, but I feel so powerful and motivated. No matter how stressful my day might have been, I cannot help but smile after each session. Seriously, my positive vibes are through the roof. Is it just me, or do you get the same feeling?
But, enough about that, I am here to offer some useful and practical tips. It’s not like we can spend the whole day talking about how yoga makes us feel strong and healthy and carefree and relaxed and calm and… well, I guess that we could spend the whole day talking about that. However, that’s not our goal here. So, we should take a rain check on that.
Today, my friends, we are talking fashion! And not just any fashion, but yogi fashion! That’s right, we are going to go through some trends related to our favorite sport. Are you smiling right now? I know you are! Admit it, you can’t wait to see what’s trending.
Yet, that’s not all I want to share with you on this occasion. There is something even better. I am here to tell you about what you should wear in respective types of classes. There are many shops out there, like Om and Ah, where you can find the apparel you need. But, that doesn’t do you any good if you don’t know what it is exactly that you should buy. So, let’s make this right.
Vinyasa Classes
If you thought that the choice of apparel doesn’t depend on the choice of class, then you are very, very wrong. Sure, the equipment is pretty similar, but there are still some slight differences to take into account. When it comes to Vinyasa, the first thing you need to understand is that it consists of various types of classes. That means that the temperature also significantly varies.
Since these kinds of classes involve a lot of movement on your part, it is of utmost importance to choose comfortable and tight pants. They will allow you to move around freely. In addition to that, women should definitely wear a sports bra. A form-fitting top is also a must, since a loose one might get in the way while you are exercising, and you don’t need that distraction. Plus, a headband might really come in handy when practicing Vinyasa.
Gentle, Restorative And Yin Classes
In these types of yoga, most of the poses are done on the floor. That means that you will spend the majority of time on your mat. That is a dream come true for those who aren’t used to much exercise, am I right? But, make no mistake – this doesn’t mean that the exercises aren’t physically demanding and that they don’t have any effect on your health and appearance.
Discover your perfect type of yoga here: https://www.yogajournal.com/practice/not-all-yoga-is-created-equal
In these classes, the temperature isn’t that high, so you won’t need to worry about grasping for air. Furthermore, it doesn’t require any special types of clothing. All that matters is that the clothes are roomy and comfortable. You can do just fine in a stylish loose top of your choice and some fashionable floating pants to match that.
Hot Classes
This is where it gets really hot! I’m not talking only about the class temperature, but also about you. You will also get really, really hot. I mean this both in the most basic sense of the word that relates to the temperature, and the not-so-hidden meaning that relates to your physical appearance. Anyway, given the high temperature, this is where you need to get highly equipped. I’m talking sports bra, tank tops, comfy, yet form-fitting pants, sweatbands, and headbands… And remember, keep it breezy.
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