Water, as we all know, is the most critical and essential part of our life without which we cannot live. Therefore, it needs to be completely clean, free from germs and other harmful contaminants such as the bacteria, pesticides, fluoride, chlorine, lead, mercury, PCBs, arsenic, perchlorate, dioxins, and DDT, etc using a water purifier. These contaminants are mostly found in the tap water that most of us consume water from in our home. This chemical contaminant present in the water is unfit for human consumption as it can harm the immune system of our body and weaken it further.
Consuming water, which includes all these harmful contaminants, can spread dangerous water-borne diseases like cholera, stomach infections, typhoid, dysentery, and salmonella, among others. This tells us that consuming clean water is very important, which is why buying the best and the most suitable water purifiers are needed. Before purchasing one, there is a need to have some basic knowledge of commercial water treatment.
This has caused the demand for water purifier without RO or with RO to rise in today’s market. You can easily find the best water purifiers for your home from several brands in the market, both online and offline. And this fact, that there are perhaps too many brands of water purifiers in the market, you may be confused as to which one will be the right choice for you. Well, here are some of the essential things that you need to consider if you want to have the right water purifier for you and your family.
RO Water Purifiers
When talking about water, always remember that the quality of water matters a lot. Check out the quality of water that you usually get in your home and then you can decide the kind of water that will suit you as per your requirement. The quality of water often tends to change time to time, or it differs from one place to another. In some areas, you will find water loaded with too many types of sediment while in other sites you will find water that has a lot of contaminants that are mentioned above.
Even the physical appearance of water can help you to determine the quality of water. The presence of any dissolved impurities can be known by the taste and odor of the water. If you see that the water leaves behind white colored patches behind when it is contained in a vessel, then you can know that it is hard water.
So, keeping all these in mind, RO water filters is the perfect choice for you. Since RO has a semi-permeable membrane, the pores present in it is capable of removing even the tiniest of dissolved impurities.
Capacity of Water Purifier
After you have known the quality of your water that is fit for your consumption, it is time to analyze the daily use of water for your family that is needed. Whether you want water for just drinking purpose or for the entire house, you will be able to choose the type of water purifier you. A water purifier with high power and a higher output rate model is suitable if your daily consumption of water is high as these water purifiers can filter an ample supply of water effectively.
For low consumption of water, a smaller water purifier will be more than enough. Therefore, here, it is essential to know that the type and capacity of the water purifier will mostly depend on the number of people who will be using it for the consumption of the water in your home.
What’s your budget?
Now it is time to consider the budget, which is important to know because obviously, you don’t want to invest in the wrong purifier that will cost you huge bucks but will be less productive. Set a budget in your mind, and then you can start looking for the right product. Always remember that when you are buying the water purifier, it will be a long term investment. You also need to go for a high-quality brand of water purifier. Under 12K you can find a lot of water purifiers with the UV and UF filters, and under 16K you will find a lot of good quality water filters with RO system.
Water Purification Technology
Comparing the purification technology of the water filters while purchasing them is to be considered since the purification process tends to affect the quality of water. The water purifiers have its own mechanism of filtering the water like the RO, i.e., the reverse osmosis treatment which uses it thin semi-permeable membrane to filter out the tiniest impurities or remove the hardness of the water. Then the UV or the ultraviolet purifier system that uses its UV rays to kill the germs in the water.
Another one is the UF or the ultrafiltration system that uses its hydrostatic pressure against the semipermeable membrane for purifying the water and the contaminants present in it. The TDS, which is another purification system, controls the final TDS and also the taste of water. The latest technology, which is the pH balance technology, balances the level of pH in water. So, check all the stages of purification and then select your product that suits your requirement.
Electricity Consumption and Maintenance
We would never want a huge bill of electricity at the end of each month. So, be prepared because the RO water purifier uses electricity so it will be an add-on to your electricity the next time you get your bill. Do not buy the ones that consume a lot of electricity. Also if you stay in an area where you have frequent power cuts then go for the water purifier that does not consume electricity.
Also while buying a water purifier know that there will be some maintenance cost that you will have to bear with and it should fit your budget.
So, keeping all these in mind choose the best water purifier while analyzing all the functions and the data that will ensure the wellness of your family. Excellent quality of water purifier will always give you the best quality of water which will be free from any harmful contaminants.
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