It is never too early for students to start planning for study break! Think about what you really want to do for the break and take actions to get you there.
Here are some frugal, smart options:
- Start looking for and applying to intern programs that are related to your field of study or employment interest. That way you’ll be making money and creating an impressive resume. My best buddy interned at some elected government official’s office, stressed herself unbelievably, but learned a lot.
- Wanna travel to another country? Think about teaching English somewhere for the summer. Japan can only take one year contracts, but Thailand can take you for a few months. They’ll even pay you! The same best buddy spent two months in Thailand, her plane tickets paid for and she received a fat paycheck every two weeks. I spent a summer teaching English in Vietnam, on a volunteer basis, but I still learned a lot.
- Get a job at some place fun, the national park, Disneyland, the local hotspot, whatever. You’ll meet people, make money, build work experience.
- Volunteer for something that you believe is worthwhile. As I mentioned, I taught English in Vietnam. Other people built Habitat for Humanity houses, tutored low income kids, delivered Meals on Wheels to the elderly and ill.
- Spend the summer at home with your parents. Save LOTS of money. Don’t spend money. And work on a project you’ve been meaning to finish. Write a book. Paint. Learn photography. Whatever.
Whatever you do, don’t waste your study break just “hanging out” and going to the mall. Study breaks are golden opportunities so take advantage of them. However, many of these opportunities have early application dates so you better start looking now.
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