Amidst the labyrinth of lights,
Surrounded by emotions fake,
With nothing but chaos in sight,
I yearn to walk away
From this life so mundane,
Seeking the essence
All in vain.
The coaster slows down,
The rides all turn fuzzy,
A mannequin replaces the clown
And the people turn hazy.
The monochrome scene lights up,
With her blue linen.
I plunge into depths unperceived
Of her eyes deep brown.
Dancing to monotone music,
Her hair jet black…
Whilst the breeze caresses her face
Oh! The time starts to lag.
A subtle smile syncs
With a symphony on my mind,
Someone ‘stealing’ my poetry,
Is surely a unique find.
A blissful lull storms me here,
As I see that girl at the fair .
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