The firsts of every college life

1. First Introduction – Remember the time when you were surrounded by seniors and asked to ‘introduce’ yourselves. meekness was punishable, so was excess confidence. But these seniors went on to become some of the most amazing guides in making college life comfortable for you.
2. First pocket- money – I am talking about the ‘real deal’. Not money that we used to get in school for ice-creams/chocolates. Monthly pocket-money, blowing it all up in the first week, begging for a raise every fortnight.
3. First responsibility– Once you enter college, your parents view you differently. They expect you to be all responsible and sophisticated. So you are expected to learn how to withdraw money from the bank and how to serve water to uncles and aunties when they come home.
4. First cellphone– Though this fad is currently changing, most of us still get our first cellphone in junior college. Also you are taught that cellphones are NOT for emergency calls. They are strictly for continuous 24/7 usage to send forwards, share images and songs, play games and browse the internet.
5. First stay over in college – The best part of college life is staying over in college for a night. You discover so many new uses to the lecture halls and the foyer and the campus.
6. First makeover– Most students undergo drastic makeovers when they step into college. Losing weight and frequent shopping becomes a necessity for the ex-schoolgirls and acquiring new gadgets and owning a motorbike becomes an obsession for ex-schoolboys.
7. First Fresher’s Party – The near-perfect dress that you get, the jitters that suffer from while asking out a girl of your choice (and then finding out that she has already agreed to go as your best friend’s date ), the agony over sudden acne outbursts right before the party are all precious moments that can never be forgotten !

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