Girls’ hostels in Manipal have always attracted many eyeballs. Be it the 1st block, which is nearest to NLH or the 11th/12 block (quite infamous for providing shelter to many creepy creatures as well; lately a gigantic python was found near the area), each one has its own distinctive appeal. But the one that stands out and always remains the first choice for many girls is the 13th block. Most of you would be fairly acquainted with the 13th block by now thanks to the scandalous planchet story. But besides that, 13th block is also the largest girls’ hostel of MIT and boasts of a diverse culture. You will find girls from all across the University and not just MIT. Although such an atmosphere might lead to less bonding in the initial days, it invariably leads to a healthy bonhomie and a sundry friend circle.
Amidst all the chirping, chitchatting, gossiping, late night studies, the bond that binds every hosteller is “Friendship”. 13th block as everyone knows is considered as one of the most luxurious hostels in MIT. It comprises of more than 400 rooms, AC and Non AC and has varieties such as single and double rooms. The extra facilities provided to 13th block are washing machines (Ya, I know boys are jealous), TV room, gymnasium, study room, table tennis room, night canteen etc. Though I am just 6 months old in this hostel, I am already in awe of my second home. From late night birthday parties to late night movies/sitcoms, 13th block is always awake and is never sleeping. Shouting and dancing like mad people with loud music at the stroke of midnight was never so much fun. Knocking the door of friends and asking “Yaar kal exam ka syllabus kya hain”(what is the syllabus for tomorrow’s test) and then realizing “Yaar itna nai ho payega”(syllabus is too much) is our exam regime. Surely, there are nerds here who always study in the study room and we juniors watch them with horror and say “Yaar itna padhna padhta hain” (there is too much to study) “Yaar humlog to latak jayenge” (we might as well flunk).
Let’s not forget the perm time. The suspicious look of the warden who always thinks the Late Lateef is involved in illegal activities can be really irksome. One minute late and they welcome you with a series of interrogations…..but then escaping is one form of fun right?
The Ashriya mess is one of the most popular messes in MIT and really serves delicious food. Outside the 13th block, you will find at least 20 couples sitting and having fun. Watching them from the premises certainly makes for a romantic view.
13th block gave me and I am sure will give me LARGER THAN LIFE EXPERIENCES in the coming 3 years. Now eagerly looking forward to the beginning of the next semester, and a fresher hostel life…..
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