Technological aspect of room no. 759

Dr Jwalit’s dell laptop.He is a computer genius possessing vast knowledge of computers and internet.Click was taken when I was reading for my theses.White colored attachment is my Sony portable speakers which gets required energy from laptop through USB.Another two usb attachments where my pen drive and inserted on the other side was my portable mp3 player!
Soft copies of each and everything has made it simultaneous lateral management pretty easier.I wonder how people managed the things in pre-computer era.


Close up of my portable speakers gifted by my brother.Basically made for i-pod or portable mp3
This is what happens to your table when you have a laptop!!And these captures was taken when laptop itself was on my table with its battery wire as seen in above snaps.
A typical medicine pg’s table where you will find wires kept by side of surf-excel powder on 1 side and brushing kit on the other and magazines buried below all this.

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