Scoops of ice cream are lapped up in Manipal all round the year: and as the summer approaches the indulgence knows no bounds. Well. CEHTR is set to heat up this even more. From Kulfi to Butter Scotch, ice creams for us has always been a treat that nobody tries to miss. It’s no secret that we Indians love ice cream-but getting the scoop on when, why and how we love this frozen treat takes a bit more investigation.
Do you know, while many people like to eat their ice cream instantly after getting it out of the refrigerator, in fact it is best to take the ice cream out of the freezer and let it stay for few minutes. This is called ‘tempering’, a step that helps make the most of flavor release and enhance the overall taste.
There are many intricate facts about Ice Cream. To further expand the horizon of people towards Ice creams, the centre for excellence in hospitality and tourism research at Welcomgroup Graduate school of Hotel Administration (WGSHA) are organizing an ‘Ice-cream Tasting and Evaluation’ workshop on 22nd January 2011.
The workshop will enhance learning on tasting and evaluating ice cream. This would be followed with a tasting session of 50 different samples (How cool is that?).
The centre for excellence in hospitality and tourism research at Welcomgroup Graduate school of Hotel Administration (WGSHA) is established to focus on research, consultancy and continuing professional development initiatives in the area of hospitality and tourism management within WGSHA, The centre undertakes targeted hospitality and tourism management research and disseminates the of the research to industry. government and academia on all aspects of management as it relates to the hospitality and tourism sector. CEHTR aims to promote the development of tourism and hospitality education and research in Manipal University.
Venue: Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration (WGSHA)
Time: 0900 Hrs — 1530 hrs
Program: In this 6 hour workshop. participants will learn how to make a selection of ice creams: the workshop would enlighten on some new trends and flavor innovations. This would be followed by the evaluation workshop of ice creams as per following categories
l. Vanilla
2. Chocolate
3. Exotic flavors
4. Mango category
5. Strawberry category
6. Flavors with inclusions
Resources Persons
- Mr. P. Valsaraj. Associate Professor – Food and Beverage. Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration
- Mr. Vasanthan Sigamany S. D. Associate Professor — Bakery. Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration
- Ms. Kshama Vishwakarma. Associate Professor. Food Production. Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration
Registration fees:
The programme is highly subsidized by Manipal University. Registration fee (covers lunch and ice cream tasting session) shall be paid by DD cheque in favour of Welcomgroup Graduate school of Hotel Administration (WGSHA). Manipal. The registration fee for the same is as follows:
Faculty : Rs 200
Students : Rs l00
Others : Rs 250
For informal queries and registration. prospective participants may write to
[email protected] / [email protected]
[email protected] / [email protected]
Program Co-ordinators
Mr. Devrat Singh. student Co- ordinator, WGSHA
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
If any body is willing to report on this unique experience, Manipalblog is willing to sponsor them!
I would LOVE to report on this!!!
categories say Vanilla, Exotic and Mango among others…
this is like a trip to paradise in the scorching heat!!!!
Go for it. Check your mail for further details.
And to everyone else, there is one more slot open for this unique experience. We will be paying the workshop registration fees only!
@Vishaal… 🙂 can't wait fr it!!!