It is important that everyone in the community is regularly checking themselves for skin cancer and having a regular professional checkup at a facility like the Sundoctors Australia for a complete skin check Central Coast when living on the Central Coast.
Skin cancer is the most common in Australia. Most skin cancers are found on the head, face, back and upper limbs as these are usually where the sun hits the most. However, they appear on any part of the body. Skin cancer is caused by UV radiation from the sun. The Australian government banned harmful tanning booths recently, such as Solarium, which is an excellent step in lowering skin cancer rates.
People with fair skin, red or light colour hair, large numbers of moles, a family history of skin cancer, previous history of blistering sunburn, and those who spend a lot of time outdoors are likely to develop skin cancers.
After prevention like applying sunscreen, staying in the shade, or wearing a hat, detection is the key to surviving skin cancer. If you notice a new mole developed or changed the shape or you are just due for a regular check-up, schedule an appointment with the doctor at a skin cancer clinic.
Skin Cancer Facts And Figures
Skin cancer accounts for 80% of all newly diagnosed cancers. Two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they reach the age of 70. GPS in Australia have 1 million patient consultations every year for skin cancer. Nearly 434000 people are treated for one or more non-melanoma skin cancers. More than 10,300 people are treated for Melanoma. Melanoma is the most common cancer in people of the age group 15 to 44 years. It is the fourth most common cancer in both men and women.
Australia has the highest incidences of skin cancer in the world nearly four times the rates in the US, Canada, and the UK. The rate of melanoma incidence in women has risen by 0.7 % on an average in a year between 1993 and 2003 and a total increase of 6.8 % over this decade. For men, it has risen by 1.7 % a year and a total of 18.75% for the same period. The relative survival rate of 5 years for Melanoma is 90% for Australian men and 95% of Australian women. Skin cancer is the most expensive cancer.
Bulk Billing for Age Pensioners
There is no extra expenditure for skin checks and procedures performed on age pensioners and DVA patients. Skin biopsies and cryotherapy performed at the time of consultation is bulk billed for all the patients. More complicated procedures may incur and out-of-pocket expense for non-pensioners which are discussed at the time of booking.
Experts in Dermoscopy
The doctors are experts in dermoscopy. This technique allows the visualization of structures beneath the skin and is the best way to diagnose Melanoma early.
Digital Imaging And Non-Surgical Photodynamic Therapy
Skin clinics offer digital mole monitoring and total body photography. Photodynamic therapy is a non-surgical alternative for treating certain skin cancers and precancerous sunspots.
Even with all the knowledge and skill, Melanomas will be missed if they are not looked for, a proper skin examination requires a thorough inspection of all areas of the skin with the patient undressed to their underwear. This is something that can not be done in 10 minutes or less especially for someone that has a lot of moles or a history of skin cancer. More can be missed by not looking than not knowing.
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