Should schools be accountable for poor achievements of students?

The US educational system is not ideal. Even though our country claims to be a world leader, a shocking number of young Americans have bad academic performance in comparison with their foreign peers, show mediocre results on standardized tests and drop out of school.

US citizens are proud of the fact that we have more college graduates than in other countries. But this advantage is elusive since educational institutions just lower the bar. As a result, students’ knowledge does not correspond to their degrees, which leads to devaluing higher education.

Negative trends were observed for years. It is essential to find the reason for schools’ degradation and fix it. Experts from Pro-Papers have conducted their own investigation to find out who is to blame for poor students’ achievements.


The government, parents, and students often claim that current problems are due to educators’ irresponsible attitude towards their responsibilities. Of course, some teachers really do their work poorly, use outdated textbooks, do not bother to ask learners whether lecture material was successfully absorbed, believe that they are excellent specialists not requiring vocational training and self-development.

However, pressure towards educators not always has reasonable grounds. In most situations involving several parties, it is wrong to claim that only one is guilty. Education is a complex process influenced by multiple factors. Other participants may just want to conceal their own fault.

If comparing a school with a business, it becomes clear that teachers are working bees, while the government is their boss. Most decisions hampering students’ success are made at the highest academic level.

Therefore, it makes no sense to blame regular school workers fulfilling supervisors’ orders. They do what they are told, do not have the freedom to conduct some reforms, affect budgets, or stimulate technological improvement. It may seem unfair, but teachers are the first persons to face parents’ and students’ dissatisfaction, solve conflicts, and be punished for school’s low results.


There are situations when learners’ hard work is not appreciated when they struggle to reach academic heights, but picky teachers block their creativity. But these are rather exceptions than a stable pattern. A school is not a panic room. Far not each educator is a monster trying to spoil young people’s life. Now not each student is an angel and a victim of circumstance.

Some children do not like to learn, do not submit academic assignments, and miss lessons. What educators can do? Chain these learners to their desks? Parents can try to inspire or intimidate them, but marks will stay low. Even though it is believed that a teacher should be able to find an individual approach to everyone, sometimes, it is simply impossible.


Moms and dads usually punish their kids for poor performance or believe that education is a teacher’s responsibility. But there are many important aspects which parents may influence both positively and negatively. They should arm students with learning materials, create a study space where a kid may do homework in complete calm and silence, reward one for achievements, and provide reasonable criticism when necessary.

It depends on adults whether school life will turn into torture or an enjoyable, exciting adventure. It is important to explain to students that a classroom is not a prison but a place where skills decisive for future success may be acquired, motivate, and inspire them instead of scolding and punishing.


Mass culture vilifies the educational system’s image. Movies and video games depict a school as a cradle of violence, vulgarity, cruelty, drug abuse, and other vices. High marks do not bring respect and good status in a student community. In a dysfunctional society, they are just a bait for bullies. Hard-working students are called nerds and mocked by classmates. It becomes not fashionable and simply dangerous to show academic talents, so most kids prefer to hide their abilities, develop the inferiority complex, become shy and unsure of themselves.

The ability to think outside the box and outstanding intellect are not valued. Authorities believe that there are already enough smart people in our country. An elite does not need competitors – people who may try to occupy prestigious positions. It needs humble citizens who may be easily managed.

That is why schools work like factories stamping out clones – graduates with the same skills, having no ambitious dreams or original ideas. Their task is to support the system suitable for an elite. Nobody expects them to change the world because changes may force somebody to leave a comfort zone. Our educational system definitely lacks individualism and creative freedom. It is worth stopping creating clones.

Therefore, one group of individuals cannot be blamed for academic failure. To fix the problem, all parties should improve themselves instead of blaming each other.


  1. Hola buenas tardes Lic. En mi humilde opinión yo pienso que la educación depende de todos llámese educación académica, familiar o cívica, cada uno tiene que ser responsable y capaz de lograr lo que es mejor, hacer el trabajo lo mejor posible y así podemos lograr, aprender más y ser independiente de nosotros mismos.

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