America has a complicated relationship with online gambling of all kinds, but USA poker sites continue to operate despite some legal complications. Las Vegas, Nevada, is the gambling mecca for betting hedonism while some states of America outlaw online poker as well as other forms of gambling which are acceptable social norms in other states. In this article, we will cover some of the most interesting and extreme states and their legality status surrounding the more reputable USA poker sites and what could potentially change in the future.
There might not be a better place to start than Nevada. This state is home to the iconic Las Vegas where gambling is engrained into the fabric of the local culture. Given that casinos are open all hours of the day, it’s only a natural progression that the state would allow its citizens to play online poker.
The pastime has been legal since April 2013 meaning that all the big online poker brands have been in Vegas for a long time already. Some casinos initially were frightened that online poker and casinos would impact their business but have later focused on selling experiences at their venues, rather than just gambling opportunities.
New Jersey
If there’s a place that is often overlooked for one reason or another, it’s New Jersey. In the shadow of its neighbors New York, geographically of course. New Jersey has welcomed online poker since 2013, the same year as Nevada did – yet NJ isn’t celebrated as a gambling hotspot anywhere like the western state is. The Assembly Bill 2578 however has attracted a few poker fans from across the New York state border as it is currently forbidden in the Big Apple.
As the sixth biggest state by population in the US, there are a few people from the 12 million who want online poker to become a reality in Illinois. Poker players are right to be excited about potential developments with an Internet Gaming Act trying to be introduced back in 2021. The laws and specifics are still under discussion (as of December 2023) and the signs are promising. One advantage that Illinois has is that live poker in casinos and cardrooms is already permitted, meaning that it won’t be a major culture shock for the citizens who are already accustomed to poker taking place.
Kentucky might not be the first place you’d think of when trying to predict the next state to warm to online poker but there is persistence out there. In 2023, legislation was suggested in government. This was the fifth consecutive year that a representative from Kentucky authorities suggested these changes. One major snag does stand in the way however, that live gambling is also pretty hampered by the local laws with only bingo halls, horse racing, and dog racing allowed to operate in the state boundaries.
One state that is unlikely to change its status on the legality of online poker is Alabama. The state only allows native Indian tribes to set up casinos but even these are heavily monitored. Even some of the most anti-gambling states at least have a state lottery where proceeds can help the local government but Alabama doesn’t have one of them. An idea to introduce a state lottery was officially suggested in 2016 but fell completely silent as there was too much opposition. If it can’t sort that out, there is very little hope of online poker in Alabama.
Another state government vehemently opposing gambling is Hawaii. Online poker is forbidden with every other type of gambling. Legislation was suggested to introduce online gaming laws in 2012 but this was shot down and has never re-surfaced. This makes it one of the two states to have a complete shutdown on every single betting avenue, the other being Utah. While neither is great for poker players, Hawaii has some idyllic tropical weather and golden beaches.
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