Manipal Institute of Technology hosts its annual National level technical fest with great participation and vigor from every genre .This tech-fest is a definite extravaganza especially for high tech lovers, gaming fans and the intelligent innovators. This year they plan to ‘go green’ with theme of ‘from gears to gaia’, that aptly highlights the importance of technology in accordance with maintaining the sanctity of ‘mother nature’. This awareness paves way for a better living.
Just like, we, at Oral Cancer Organization aim to bring forth awareness about the dangers of oral cancer, finally aiming to a better living. Our stall at the fest will be attracting youngsters with bright budding brains to try out the variety of snacks , ranging from macroni salad ( as a healthy diet ), jhalmudi ( an authentic Bengali dish) and the refreshing jaljeera all under the same shed. As you enter the stall , you might catch the beautifully painted handmade diyas that embrace you with a sign warm welcome to the festivities lined ahead . The sale of these diyas and food items will be used for oral cancer awareness drive. Black ribbons will be tied as the symbol of contribution towards this noble endeavor. The earthen lanterns make the ambience as close to nature so that we understand life as it is , even amidst all advancements .
Through these efforts we would encourage the youth of today towards their responsibility towards themselves! We can achieve it by spreading awareness by means of posters depicting the causes of oral cancer, hazardous effects of tobacco ,etc. We will also have a session of personalized presentations for the same.
Lighting up of diyas signifies the victory of good over evil, for us, it’s the fight against oral cancer that needs to be won.
Help us in this fight. Spread the word. Lets value GAIA for the life that she gave us.
[ Date : 16th to 19th October ; Time: 2 pm – 8 pm, Venue: NLH, MIT ]
(by Meenakshi Prasad)
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