BIO 4303: Introduction to Bioinformatics :
Respective elective mainly focusses on genetic studies.
As a subject this elective is not as strenuous and relatively scoring.
Syllabus: Introduction to Bioinformatics, Central dogma of biology, Digital code of life, database sequence search & Alignment, The evolutionary basis of sequence alignment, The modular nature of proteins, Optimal alignment methods, Substitution scores and gap penalties, Statistical significance of alignments,
Structure file formats, Visualizing structural information, Motifs and Pattern, Protein structure prediction, Searching for trees, Rooting trees, Evaluating trees and Data, Phylogenetic software, Phylogenetics on the web, Some simple practical considerations, Genome annotation, Comparative genomics, Genome compression.
CSE 4302: Essentials of IT
Mainly focusses on OS concepts in it along with a little bit of DBMS. EEE/ECE greatly benefit during placements. Mostly theoretical and very little practical hands on experience.
Syllabus: Fundamentals of Computer Architecture, Organization of a Simple Computer, Execution of Instructions, Input/Output Devices, Measurement of CPU Performance, Operating System Concepts, Memory Management, Process Management, Basic Concept of Multiprogramming, Multitasking and Multiprocessing, Interprocess Communication, File Management and Device Management, Disk Scheduling, Introduction to DBMS and Entity Relationship Modelling, Converting ER diagram to Schema, Introduce Functional Dependency and Basics of Normalization, Introduce three Normal Forms, SQL, Data Definition Language (DDL) statements, Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements and Data Control Language (DCL).
CSE 4308: Programming in Java
A relatively difficult elective for those looking to learn java without any prior knowledge, but a helpful one for those looking for an edge in placements. The course offers an in-depth look into the language. A very good option for java enthusiasts.
Syllabus: Java Programming Fundamentals, Introducing Data Types and Operators, Program Control Statements, Introducing Classes, Objects and Methods, More Data Types and Operators, A Closer Look at Methods and Classes, Inheritance basics, Member Access and Inheritance, Constructors and Inheritance, Interfaces- Interface Fundamentals, Creating and Implementing Interfaces, Packages- Package Fundamentals, Importing Packages, The Exception Hierarchy, Exception Handling Fundamentals, Throwing an Exception, Multithreading Fundamentals, The Thread class and Runnable Interface, Creating Threads, Synchronization, Using I/O, Byte Streams and Character Streams, Introducing JavaFX GUI Programming, Exploring JavaFX Controls
- CSE 4309: Python Programming
Comprised mostly of theory with little to no programming and really difficult end semester exams, a must take for java enthusiasts with prior knowledge
Syllabus: Getting started with python scripting, Using the file system, Reading and writing files, Numerical Computing In Python, SciPy package, Classes and object-oriented programming, Data types as objects, Graphical user interfaces, Regular expressions, Network, web, and database programming: Accessing databases in Python, Network programming in Python, Creating a Python web application, Sample project—creating a message wall, Web frameworks creating a model to add database service – using SQLite; Cloud computing: google app engine and web services: What is cloud computing, levels of cloud computing service, what is AappEngine, The sandbox and the App Engine SDK, Choosing an App Engine framework.
A very strenuous subject with difficult exams and not to mention a not to well read faculty. Yet a lot of learning is involved- mostly self taught about an important and profoundly used programming language.
Mechatronics Engineering
- MTE 4305: Introduction to Robotics
A cursory course intended for enthusiasts wanting to dive in to the subject. Not recommend to any robotics enthusiasts with prior knowledge. Mostly a theoretical subject despite all the possible practical applications. The faculty knowledge on deeper concepts is also questionable.
Syllabus: Definition of Robot, Types of Robots, Robot Configuration, Selection of Robots, factor affecting the control resolution, Spatial resolution, Accuracy and repeatability, Specification of a robot, Robot arm/manipulator Kinematics, Types of Grippers, Force Analysis of gripper mechanism, Classification of Actuators. Actuators used in Robots – DC motors, Stepper motors, AC motors and Servo motors. Robot Transmission Systems, Sensors, Types and classification of robot sensors, Positional potentiometer, Velocity tachometer, Working of resolver, Optical encoder, Magnetoresistive skin, Hall generator, Electromagnetic & Adhesive end effectors, proximity sensors, Tactile Sensing, Robot Vision.
- ECE 4302: Consumer Electronics
A very interesting and faculty relative elective, with no pre-defined study material that works as an advantage here.
Syllabus: Audio system: Microphones, headphones and hearing aids, loudspeakers. CDs, DVDs, Blue-ray technology, iPods, MP4 players and accessories, home audio systems. Television: Elements of TV communication system, composite video signal, need for synchronizing and blanking pulses, picture tubes, LCD, LED and plasma TV fundamentals, principles of working of cable TV and DTH. Telecommunication systems: Basics of the telephone system, caller ID telephone, intercoms, cordless telephones, cellular mobile systems. Office electronics: Automatic teller machines, facsimile machines, digital diaries, safety and security systems. Home electronics: Digital camera system, microwave ovens, washing machines, air conditioners and refrigerators.
CHM 4301: Analytical Methods and Instrumentation Syllabus:
Greatly beneficial to students of instrumentation during placements, a treat to any analytical geek looking to expand on chemical analysis and get a deeper understanding of reactions.
Spectroscopic methods of analysis: Properties of EMR, General features of spectroscopy, Types of molecular spectra, Interaction of EMR with the matter, Instrumentation, Applications, Theory, Instrumentation and applications of Microwave, Raman, Infrared, UV-Visible, NMR spectroscopic techniques. Chromatographic Techniques: General concepts, Classification, Principles, Experimental techniques of CC, HPLC, TLC, GC and their applications Electroanalytical methods: Basic principles and applications of conductometric, potentiometric titrations.
- PHY 4302: Physics of Materials
An elective involving learning about electron microscopy techniques and how to prepare composite materials and nanoparticles with a very good faculty. Syllabus: Nanostructural materials – metals, semiconductors and ceramics. Synthesis of nanoparticles–sputtering techniques, plasma techniques. Various Chemical methods of synthesis. Functionalized metal nanoparticles- synthesis, characterization, organization and applications. Semiconductor nanoparticles- synthesis, characterization and applications of quantum dots. Magnetic nanoparticles- assembly and nanostructures. Carbon nanotubes and fullerene as nanoclusters. Characterisation of nanoparticles and nanostructures– Optical spectroscopy, Electron Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy, X-Ray diffraction of nanoscale materials. Composite Materials-Classification, Matrix materials, Reinforcing materials, micromechanics of composites – Density, Mechanical properties –Thermal properties – Heat capacity, conductivity, thermal expansion, Mechanism of load transfer from Matrix to fiber. Strength, Fracture and fatigue: Tensile strength, Compression Strength, Fracture modes in Composite. Polymer matrix composites, metal matrix composites, carbon-reinforced composites – Fabrication and properties. Semiconductors: Crystal growth methods – Bridgman, Czochralski, zone melting/refining techniques. Contact phenomenon. Preparation of semiconductor devices. IC technology: monolithic IC- masking and etching – elements of lithography.
- PHY 4301: Fundamentals of Astronomy and Astrophysics
A perfect course for anybody fascinated by the stars, with an excellent faculty and well drafted and intuitive syllabus. Not to mention a very competitive and passionate class.
Syllabus: Introduction to astronomy and astrophysics. Properties of ordinary stars: Brightness of starlight, the electromagnetic spectrum, Colours of stars, stellar distances, absolute magnitudes, HR diagram. Stellar evolution: Formation of star, the main sequence, stellar structure, evolution off the main sequence, planetary nebulae, white dwarfs. The death of high mass stars: Supernovae, neutron stars, pulsars, stellar black holes. Normal Galaxies: Types of galaxies, Dark matter in galaxies. Cosmology: The scale of universe, expansion of the universe, the open or closed universe, the big bang, the cosmic background radiation, big bang nucleosynthesis. Astronomical instruments.
- AAE 4303: Introduction to Aerospace Engineering
A great elective for students looking for an introduction into aerospace and dynamics. Not recommended for students with prior knowledge. Largely theoretical despite the vast practical application of this subject.
Syllabus: Overview of the history of flight. Fundamental Thoughts: Ballooning, Apply basic/constitutive principles of mechanics of fluids – Bernoulli and control volume approaches, the source of all aerodynamic forces, Equation of state for a perfect gas, specific volume, anatomy of aircraft, anatomy of space vehicle. The Standard Atmosphere: Definition of Altitude, Hydrostatic equation, Relation between geopotential and geometric altitudes, Pressure, Temperature and Density altitudes. Aerodynamics: Basics of Aerodynamics. Aircraft Flight: Airfoil Nomenclature, Lift, Drag and Moment co-efficient, Infinite versus finite wings, Pressure coefficient, Elements of Airplane Performance – Equation of Motions for level flight, climbing flight, gliding flight, take-off and landing, Stability and Control. Astronautics: Introduction, Orbit equation, Space Vehicle Trajectories, Kepler’s laws, Space environment, Orbital Mechanics, Attitude dynamics and control. Propulsion: Introduction, Types of Propulsion systems.
- AAE 4302: Introduction to Automobile Engineering
A must take for petrolheads or anyone with even a slight inclination to automobiles. The course covers the very basic subsystems of cars Suspension System, Engines, Power Transmission, Brakes, etc.
Syllabus: Introduction: Automotive Engine classification, Multi-Cylinder Arrangements. Automotive Engine Parts: Cylinder Block, cylinder head, crankcase, oil pan, cylinder liners, piston, arrangements to control piston slap, piston rings, connecting rod, crankshaft, valves and valve operating mechanisms, valve timing diagram. Fuel Supply System: Fuel pumps for petrol engines, mixture strength requirements of S I engine, defects of the simple carburettor and their remedies, types of carburettors, constant choke and constant vacuum carburettors. Ignition System: Battery ignition system, ignition advance methods, comparison between battery and magnetic ignition system. Cooling and Lubrication: Necessity, methods of engine cooling, Objects of lubrication, systems of engine lubrication, crankcase ventilation. Clutch System: Clutches- Purpose and requirements, single-plate clutch, multi-plate clutch, centrifugal clutch, fluid flywheel. The calculation for torque transmitted by plate and cone clutch. Clutch and Gear Box: Gearbox – Purpose, sliding mesh, gearbox, constant mesh, gearbox, synchromesh gearbox, epicyclic gearbox & torque converter. The calculation power for propulsion of the vehicles, road resistance & tractive effort, relation between vehicle speed and gear ratio. Final Drive and Steering System: Propeller shaft and differential, Steering geometry, steering mechanism, steering linkages for rigid axle & Independent suspension systems. Numerical problems related to conditions for pure rolling, turning circle radius. Braking System: Braking requirements, brake efficiency & stopping distance, fading of brakes, Types of Brakes: Drum and disc brakes, mechanical brakes, hydraulic brakes, servo-brakes, air brakes, balance beam compensator. Numerical problems related to brake torque & minimum stopping distance with the front wheel, rear wheel & four-wheel braking, weight transfer & heat dissipation. Suspension System: Objects, types of suspension springs, leaf springs, coil spring & torsion bar. Independent front suspension, telescopic type shock absorber.
- CIE 4305: Introduction to Remote Sensing and GIS
The subject is almost completely theory, a must take for anyone with a passion for image processing and interest in space technology.
Syllabus: Introduction, Basic concepts of Remote sensing, Physics of Remote sensing Orbits, Concept of Spatial, spectral, radiometric and temporal resolution, Remote sensing data product and its purchase, Visual interpretation, Fundamentals of GIS, Objectives, Components of GIS, contributing disciplines and technologies, Raster , Vector, Exercise on Remote sensing and GIS application. Definitions of Triangular irregular network (TIN) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Indian satellite program, Launch vehicles, Exercise on Remote sensing and GIS application.
- CIE 4306: Strength of Materials
A civil engineering core elective that offers insight into deals with topics related to torsion, deflection and stress on bodies. An extension of the first-year Materials of Solids (MOS) course.
Syllabus: Review of Basic Mechanics of Solids, Stresses due to bending, Stresses due to shearing force, Slope and deflection of beams, Torsion, solid and hollow circular shafts, power transmitted by shafts, stepped shafts, Variation of stress at a point, Bi-axial state of stress and strain, Cylinders, Stability of columns, Slenderness ratio, failure by buckling, Euler’s formula, Rankine’s empirical formula.
- MME 4301: Energy Engineering
Largely involving different turbines and things along that tangent, of power plant layout and how it functions.
Syllabus: Steam power plant: Types of fuels used for steam generation, Equipment for burning coal in lump form, Strokers, Oil burners, Advantages and disadvantages of using pulverized fuel, Pulverized fuel furnaces, Cyclone furnace, Coal and ash handling, Generation of steam using forced circulation, High and supercritical pressures. Diesel engine power plant: Applications in power field, Method of starting a diesel engine, Cooling and lubrication system, Filters, Centrifuges, Oil heaters, Intake and exhaust system, Layout of a diesel power plant. Hydroelectric plant: Hydrographs, Flow duration and mass curves, Unit hydrograph and numericals, Storage and pondage, Pumped storage plants, Low, medium and high head plants, Penstock, Water hammer, Surge tanks, Gates and valves, General layout of hydel power plants. Nuclear power plant: Principles of release of nuclear energy, Fusion and fission reactions, Nuclear fuels used, Multiplication and thermal utilization factors, Elements of nuclear reactor: Moderator, Control rod, Fuel rod, Coolant. Pressurized water reactor, Boiling water reactor, Sodium graphite reactor, Homogeneous graphite reactor and Gas-cooled reactor, Radiation hazards, Shieldings, and Radioactive waste disposal. Solar energy: Solar extra-terrestrial radiation and radiation at the earth surface, Radiation measuring instruments, Working principles of solar flat plate collectors, Solar pond and Photovoltaic conversion. Biomass energy: Photosynthesis, Photosynthetic oxygen production, Energy plantation. Biogas: Production, Classification, Factors affecting generation, Thermo-chemical conversion, Types of gasifiers. Wind energy: Properties of wind, Wind velocity, and power from wind, Major problems associated with wind power, Types of wind machines and their characteristics, Horizontal and vertical axis windmills. Tidal, Ocean and Geothermal energy conversion: Fundamental characteristics of tidal power, Harnessing and limitations. Principle of working of ocean thermal energy, Rankine cycle, Limitations of OTEC. Geothermal energy conversion working principle, Types of geothermal stations.
Humanities and Management
- HUM 4301: Advanced Communication skills in English (Offered for Lateral Entry students)
An elective limited for lateral entry students who’ve missed out on this subject in the first year. The same course as the first year class we had in engineering.
Syllabus: Common Errors in English: Subject Verb Agreement, Uses of Tenses / Sequence of Tenses, Prepositions, Articles, Special Usages. Creative Writing Essay: Argumentative Essay, Descriptive/Expository/Narrative Essays. Reading Comprehension. Non- detailed Text-Critical Evaluation, Group Discussions. Presentation Skills. Essay writing. Audio texts/speeches-Practice listening skills – summary, commentary, listening exercises. Video Speeches – Theme based speeches- motivational, informative, technical, and persuasive, discussions. Speech- Elements of a good speech, types of speeches, model speech, Speech exercises, individual presentations, peer and facilitator feedback. Formal/Informal communication. Communication Styles- formal and informal, standard English and variations in usages, examples and analysis of faulty usages.
- HUM 4313: Analytical Writing
An elective that deals with essay writing, letter writing and paraphrasing with emphasis on vocabulary and sentence structure. A great source of help for those struggling with writing skills.
Syllabus: Essay Writing: Narrative-instructional and process narratives, descriptive, expository, argumentative- different components of argumentation. Critical Writing Strategies: summarizing, paraphrasing, synthesizing. Brainstorming Strategies: clustering, mapping, outlining, cubing, looping. Logical Reasoning: Inductive and deductive reasoning, logical fallacies. Mechanics of writing: punctuation marks, rules related to the use of quotation marks, rules related to acknowledging sources. Analyzing texts: tone, style, vocabulary and structure Use of graphics in the text. Mechanics of Thesis writing and Journal writing.
- HUM 4304: Indo-European Intercultural Dynamics
One of the few electives that consistently received great feedback.
Largely deals with cultural differences yet unifying behaviour patterns via intent. Undoubtedly one of the most interactive electives, involving a range of relevant skills from conflict resolution to business communication. A course with abundance of guest lectures.
Syllabus: The challenge of Intercultural communication – interacting in a diverse world, understanding cultures, alternative views of reality, cultural stereotyping, foundational theories in Intercultural Communication-Edward Hall, Samovar, G Hofstede, understanding cultural dimensions and cultural stereotyping- collectivism/individualism, power distance, masculine/feminine, cultural metaphors, intercultural business communication competence – the role of language in intercultural business communication, non-verbal language in Intercultural Communication, cultural influence on interpersonal communication, intercultural dynamics in the multicultural organisations.
- HUM 4305: Interpretation of Literary Texts
Elective largely involving phonetics, semantics and theoretical linguistic analysis based on different and eloquent ways of analysing the text with a very well read faculty. . A bliss for the literary-oriented cult and a mind blogging effort for the rest, it is easy to score marks being its takeaway.
Syllabus: Language of literature: form and structure, lexical analysis, syntactic analysis, point of view, foregrounding, ideational functions and textual functions, pragmatic approach to literature, basic assumptions of stylistics, elements of literary styles, phonological deviations, sound patterns, figures of speech, English in Indian newspapers, setting up a literature self-access center.
- MED 4301: Fundamentals of Advertising
Presented with case-studies and videos from a lot of advertisement firms along with interaction with ex-students. Assignments involve practical domains like product pitch and commercials. Syllabus largely involves Ad- Analysis.
Syllabus: Advertising Theory, Growth of advertising in India, advertising as a tool of communication, Functions of advertising, Benefits of advertising, Advertising as a Marketing Tool, Advertising as a PR Tool, Advertising Theories, Relevance to Indian Advertising, Role of advertising in National Economy, Types of Advertising Agency and types of services offered, structure of ad agencies, creativity in advertising, appeals & execution styles, planning & development, creative process & tactics, media planning, Advertising Medias – television networks, magazines, newspapers, radio, selection and buying media time & space, Support media internet, interactive medias, out-door, in-store, direct mail, miscellaneous and transit advertising, advertising campaign, corporate advertising, case studies.
ICE 4304: Sensor Technology
A largely faculty dependent Syllabus: where topics covered involve PIR interfacing, microcontrollers, basic wired and wireless sensors. The assignments also involves a fascinating projects.
Syllabus: Basic sensor technology, characteristics, Capacitive and Inductive Sensors, Displacement Sensors, Temperature Sensors, Force/Torque Sensors, Humidity and Moisture Sensors, Acoustic Sensors, Flow Sensors, Occupancy-Motion Detectors, Acceleration and Vibration Sensors, Chemical and Biosensors, Optical and radiations Sensors, Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Applications.
- ICE 4303: Industrial Instrumentation
Syllabus: Measurement System, Classification of transducers, Temperature and Pressure measurement, Level and Thickness measurement, Flow measurement-Variable head type, variable area type, Mass flowmeters, Measurement of Thermal conductivity, velocity, acceleration, pH and Force, Semiconductor sensors, Optical sensors.
- BME 4301: Biomedical Instrumentation
A great choice for students with a keen interest towards the medical sciences. This course consists of basic biology and moves on to the fundamental mechanics based on human movements.
Syllabus: Biomedical transducers: Classification and Selection, Transducers and their types—pressure, photoelectric, thermal. Electrodes & Amplifiers: Principles of working and their characteristics, Half- cell potential, Types of electrodes, Electrode-Electrolyte model, Amplifiers for biomedical instrumentation. Physiological Signals & Measurements: Basics of ECG, EMG, EEG, PCG, blood pressure & blood flow and the instrumentation for measuring these signals. Cardiac Pacemakers: Types of pacemakers, Modes of triggering, Pacemaker power supplies, pacemaker codes. Defibrillators: AC and DC defibrillators, Types of electrodes and their features, cardioverters. Lasers: Basic principles, types of lasers and their medical applications. X-ray systems, Fluoroscopic system, principles of tomography. Electrical Hazards & Safety: Safety code standards, Micro and Macro shock and its physiological effects, Methods of electrical safety.
- ELE 4303: MATLAB for Engineers
MATLAB is an incredibly useful benefit for any student. The elective also involves mini team projects, and evaluations are all conducted on a machine. A very profoundly laid out elective often with representatives from Mathworks to offer help with the mini projects.
Syllabus: MATLAB desktop, workspace variables and types, creating and calling functions, 2D & 3D plots, control flow statements, introduction to Cody Coursework platform, introduction to live script environment, symbolic computation using MuPAD app, linear regression analysis using Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, interpolating & extrapolating set of data, generating, importing data from various data tools, introduction to Simulink, solving ordinary differential equations in Simulink, introduction to Simscape, development of graphical user interface with GUIDE tool and app designer tool, creating MS Windows executable applications, installing support packages of external hardware, external hardware interface using MATLAB editor, Simulink and app designer.
Information and Communication Technology
- ICT 4302: Design and Development of Web Applications
A Not- so recommended course considering the wide range of online learning platforms specialising in this subject. A largely theory subject taught in a very monotonous fashion by the faculty.
Syllabus: Internet Basics: Concept of Internet, evolution, Specification and establishment details.IP addressing, Internet domains, DNS, ISP, Intranets and extranets. Internet applications: E-mail, Telnet, FTP, Video conferencing. World Wide Web: Concepts, Web page: static, Dynamic, Active. Web page development phases Web Designing, Development and Publishing, HTTP, URL registration, browsers, search engines, Web server, Proxy servers. HyperText Markup Language: Introduction To HTML, WWW, W3C, Common HTML, Tags Physical & Logical, basic tags like, changing background color of page, text color etc., Text formatting tags, <p><br>, <hr> tags, Ordered , Unordered and definition Lists Tags, Inserting image, text, image links, image maps. Tables and Frames Forms: Introduction with text box, text area, buttons, List box, radio, checkbox etc. Cascading Style Sheets: Introduction To Stylesheet, types of style sheets- Inline, External, Embedded CSS, text formatting properties, CSS Border, margin properties, Positioning Use of classes in CSS, colour properties, use of <div>&<span>. Java Scripts: Intro to script, types, intro of JavaScript, JavaScript identifiers, operators, control & Looping structure, Intro of Array, Array with methods, Math, String, Date Objects with methods User defined & Predefined functions, DOM objects, Window Navigator, History, Location, Event handling, Validations On Forms, Filters and Transitions. PHP: PHP-Introduction to PHP, History, Web Brower, Web Server, Xampp, Syntax, Operators, Variables, Constants, Control, Structure, Language construct and functions, Arrays-Enumerated Arrays, Associative array, array, iteration, Multi-dimensional array, Array function, Date and Time functions. String and Patterns- Quoting, Matching, Extracting, Searching, Replacing and Formatting
- ICT 4303: Fundamentals of Data Structures and Algorithms
A must have elective for introduction to basic concepts of computer science, and a source of great help to students of the respective stream during placements. The faculty feedback of this particular elective is relatively and consistently good.
Syllabus: Introduction: Performance Analysis and Measurements – Asymptotic notations, introduction to data structure, classification of data structure, Abstract data types. Arrays: The Array as Abstract Data type, Sparse Matrix – Representation, Transpose of a sparse matrix, Representation of multidimensional arrays, The String abstract data type- Pattern matching. Stacks: Definition, operations on stacks, implementations, Applications of stacks-Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions, Conversion of arithmetic expressions, Recursion, Multiple Stacks Queues: Definition, operations, implementations, circular queues, applications. Linked Lists: Introduction to pointers and Dynamic memory allocation, Singly-linked lists-Insertion, traversal and deletion operations, Circular lists, Dynamically Linked Stacks and Queues, Polynomial representation and polynomial operations using a singly linked list, Singly circular linked list, doubly-linked lists. Trees: Introduction, Tree terminology, Binary trees, Abstract Data Type, Properties, Binary tree representations, Binary Tree Traversal [both recursive and non-recursive] algorithms, Expression tree, Heaps, Binary Search Trees. Graphs: The Graph Abstract Datatype- Definitions and Representations, Elementary Graph Operations- Depth First Search, Breadth-First Search, Connected components, Spanning trees. Sorting and Searching: Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge sort, Heap sort, Shell sort, Linear search, Binary search.
- MCA 4301: Introduction to Database Systems with MySQL
A must take course for anyone that wishes to take up data base programming in the future as a profession or even as a catalyst for future studies. A well versed course in Data analysis and management covering profound bases.
Syllabus: Modeling and Designing Databases, Entity-Relationship Model, Basic Concepts, Constraints, Design of ER database schema, Reduction of ER to schema, Relational model, Super, candidate, primary ,foreign key, Schema Diagram, Relational Database design, Functional dependencies, Normal forms, Creating a MySQL Database, Table and modifying constraints, indexes, Basic SQL. Data–inserting, selecting, updating, deleting. MySQL Functions, Numeric, String, Date /Time, Advanced Queries, Sorting, Multiple tables, Inner Join, Left Join, Right Join, Natural Join, Nested queries, Generating summaries, COUNT(), MIN(), MAX(), SUM(), AVG(), Group By, Statistical techniques, Calculating Descriptive statistics, Per-Group Descriptive Statistics, Generating frequency distribution ,Calculating correlation coefficients, assigning ranks, Stored routines, stored procedure, stored function, Triggers, Events to schedule Database actions, Managing users and privileges, Importing and Exporting data, importing data with LOAD data and mysql import, importing csv files, exporting query results, tables, importing XML.
- MCA 4302: Introduction to VR and AR Technologies
An elective the offers a wide range of opportunities with upcoming mainstream technology, a wide spectrum of opportunities with up to date practical learning.
A must have for gaming development interested programmers.
Syllabus: Introduction: Input Devices, Output Devices, Displays, Computing Architectures for VR. The Rendering Pipeline, PC Graphics Architecture—Workstation-Based, Distributed VR Architectures. Modelling—Geometric, Physical, Behavior, Model Management. VR Programming and other Toolkits. Introduction to Unity 3D Engine, 2D Game concepts and basic scripting, 3D Game concepts and environment creation, Advanced game concepts. Introduction to Unity AR: Foundation and Vuforia, working with Vuforia in Unity, ARCore in unity, Mini project on AR. Introduction to VR, Unity for Google Cardboard, Basic VR app development for Cardboard, Develop for a specific VR platform.
Chemical Engineering
CHE 4303: Water Treatment Technology Syllabus:
A not-so popular elective, but a must take for students involved in/interested in water treatment and other environmental aspects of water purity.
Syllabus: Water demand per capita, drinking water standards (BIS and WHO), drinking water treatment–flow-chart. Aeration, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, softening, removal of taste, odour, desalination, reverse osmosis, Nalagonda process. Water distribution networks, Sanitary and storm sewerage systems, Intake structures and pumping installations. Wastewater treatment quality and quantity estimation, Wastewater characteristics, Preliminary treatment, primary treatment Softening, Biological treatment processes, microbial kinetics, nitrification and denitrification, trickling filters and rotating biological contactors, advanced treatment processes, concept of zero liquid discharge, wastewater disposal in receiving bodies, Industrial wastewater treatment, Case studies for industrial wastewater treatment.
Written by Ankush Nath, Sasha, and Uthkarsh Goel
Image Credits: joinus4education
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