No matter how good you are at work as a tradesman, you need to communicate that to potential customers in order to be successful. An effective marketing strategy helps you here, enabling you to tell the marketplace about your skills and experience. With a good marketing plan, you cover the maximum ground and communicate why you are the best choice they can make when they need a trustworthy, top-notch tradesman working on their project.
Here are some helpful marketing tips you can use:
Post testimonials:
The most effective advertisement for your brand and business comes from happy customers. Testimonials from clients are incredibly effective because they give future clients an unbiased view of your competence. Ask every client for a testimonial and display them all prominently on your site, social media pages, and in your office too.
Design eye-catching signage:
Every worksite can present a new opportunity for advertising your brand. Put up eye-catching signage wherever you are at work. Use the same on your delivery vans/ vehicles so that the name of your company becomes familiar to the people in the neighborhood. Ensure that the signage is big enough to be easily readable from a fair distance. Add a number, your site URL, and other ways to contact you to the signage.
Get on local business directory pages:
Make it easy for customers to find you by being present on local directories like Yelp or Truelocal. There are quite a few such business directories that you can find online. Register on them and ensure that your business pops up when someone searches for those services on these pages.
Ensure your customer can easily reach you:
Make sure that customers can reach you any time of the day via one channel or another. This is a great way to ensure you NEVER miss a potential client. Phone numbers, email, contact page on site, social media accounts- make sure you can be reached via all these means. Have staff manning your lines and answering queries on all channels and respond quickly.
Get reviews on Google:
When people search for your business on Google, having great reviews appear alongside boosts your chances of converting a simple inquiry call into a firm order. Get satisfied customers to write reviews for your business on Google. Offer discounts if you can to those who post them. Respond to reviews. Negative reviews can be a fantastic opportunity to show future clients that you care about customer satisfaction and will ensure that any complaints they have will be taken care of.
Advertise your Tradie insurance:
As a tradie, you may be working on critical projects that involve some valued assets of customers. Giving them reassurance that, in the event of any mishaps, you are covered by insurance, lets them hand you the project without anxiety. Your insurance tells them that you have covered all manner of risks, that you are organized, and have prepped for all contingencies. This puts them at ease and tells them they are working with an experienced professional.
The advantages of Tradie insurance for you
Insurance for tradies is not merely a good way to boost the customer’s confidence in your firm. It is also a critical safety net for you and your business. Apart from insuring your business against damage with a general insurance plan, you should also invest in a comprehensive public liability insurance cover. This kind of coverage protects your business financially when you face lawsuits from clients or third parties who claim to have sustained loss in some way owing to your business.
Public liability insurance in Australia for tradies covers you in many situations that can end in a nasty, prohibitively expensive legal battle. For example:
- The client claims that they faced a loss owing to a delay in your work
- The client claims negligence on your part in the work
- Customer sues you for injuries sustained in a fall at your office premises
- Subcontractor sustains injuries in a slip and fall accident at your worksite and files a lawsuit
With a public liability cover for your tradie business, you can take on a legal battle to protect your reputation without worrying about the costs. Remember that court fee, paperwork, attorney fees, and damages, if any, can drain your business of all its finances. A public liability insurance cover lets you take legal recourse without worrying about its cost implications.
Marketing your tradie business in the right way involves communicating your skills and expertise to the target audience to convince them that you are the RIGHT choice! You can do this in many ways. This includes taking out insurance to assure the future client that you have enough experience to understand and prep for all manner of risks beforehand.
Talk to us today to know how to get the right insurance cover, so that you can protect your business while making yourself more attractive to potential customers.
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