As part of our weekly photo contest for our Wordless Wednesdays feature, we presented our Facebook followers with the theme – “Letters”. With the topic open to any number of interpretations, we waited for the response and we received 38 photoswith interesting interpretations!
We were not judging the photos for techniques but for the perspectives and the photographer’s idea about the topic. The thought involved in the picture and most importantly, was anything new captured.
The theme of this weeks contest was “Letters”. We received photographs that captured each letter, engraved alphabets in various languages, alphabets displayed through light and photos captured via slow shutter speed to capture the creation of an alphabet made by light. Surprisingly, we did not receive alphabets in natural formation, which we thought would be predominant feature of the contest.
As can be ascertained from the quality of the photographs, we had a real tough time deciding on the photo of the week. They say photography is mostly skill, with the element of luck, i.e. being in the right place at the right time! When we announced this topic, the winner of today’s contest was in a special place and was able to capture something that happened decades ago in the form of a simple picture.
The winner of the Photo of the Week for 3.7.2012 is Aditya Kamath who sent us a photo from all the way in Poland!
Congratulations Aditya and thank you all for participating. Till next week then. Ciao!!
To take part in our weekly photo contest, please like and subscribe to our Facebook page. The topics/themes are usually announced there, on Wednesday evening or Thursday morning.
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