Love Story of A Stone

Love Story of A Stone

The stone was still there. I thought it was waiting for someone but they told no one will come for him. I thought it was its home but they told he is not the native. I thought it was handicapped but they told he used to be a heartfelt athletics and is still so somewhere but surely not at heart. I stopped thinking but the stone mesmerized me every time. His gloomy eyes, sad face, broken heart and shattered soul tried to convey a tale but his lips stopped him from marking his presence to this stage called world.

I decided to talk to those eyes which disturbed my heart. I went to him with a mirror. He saw himself lying on the side of the pavement and thinking of his status, his eyes burst out with tears which rolled down the cheeks to reach there where it can break the bondage of silence created by the lips. Finally he spoke to himself as if he was waiting for another stone to share his feelings. I was the perfect choice as my heart says we are twins.

The stone spoke for the first time about his story which started on the way when he first saw her. She was the ultimate goddess of beauty which fortunately paved on the same way and besides him. She was wearing a green top and a black pant which suits her marvel colour skin. Her eyes were always talking but not to him. Her eyes were always searching but not him. Her eyes were always asking but not to him. Her eyes were always dancing but not with him. He just can’t stop himself from admiring her, from watching her and falling in love with her. He was always waiting for the sunrise so that his morning starts with those eyes of glory, those lips of flowers, those smiles of a child, that soft touch of a rose petal.

He looked at her and forget everything ,even that he is just a stone on the pavement with a lot of spitting marks ,unfinished shape and a gloomy face while she is the marking on the roadside which everyone look at and get their way. Everyone admire her beauty and he just went black with a feeling of loneliness. When he decided to approach her, it was too late. She was already gone with another of her kind. But he knew at heart that she too knew the fact that the stone had heart which beat only for her. The stone made himself inert and waited for her but as they told she never came. This was not his home but still his heart was somewhere lost which he stopped trying to find.

He told himself the story and revealed his cause of stay. But he was familiar with the world which always makes a mockery of weak hearts and always admires the disguised heart. He knew this story was not going to affect anyone he decided to keep his secret again with him. He rolled down and the mirror’s existence was vanished into thin air. He killed the person who knew his grief. He pushed himself back to his throne which was beside a rose plant but the rose petals were missing leaving only the thorny bushes.

My stone-heart laughed at the story but with a tear drop slightly leaving its place to silently salute the untold and unique love story of a stone.


  1. I agree with Vishaal Sir, Lot of spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes. If those could be corrected, the concept is appealing 🙂

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