The art of photographing things extremely close-up is called macro photography. From flowers and insects, baby’s fingers and toes, to coins and collectables and everyday household items—macro photography uncovers a whole new world of photo possibilities. So basically, it helps you take extraordinary pictures of ordinary things and the best part is that you don’t necessarily need a dSLR to take good picture. Even your smartphone camera can take incredible macro pictures. The Macro Mode exposure setting is denoted by a flower icon in dSLRs , Point and shoot digital cameras and most of the smartphones but using manual focus(sorry not available in majority of mobiles) is highly advisable as it gives you the freedom to focus on the subject you want. But before you start clicking, here are 5 tips that will help you improve your ability to do macro photography:
TIP NO 1 : Use an f-stop no wider/larger than f/16 to get all or most of the main subject in focus. If you are photographing a subject that can’t be arranged more or less on the same plane, you will have to decide which parts of it you want in focus.
TIP 2 : When shooting macro photography, using a narrow depth of field is unavoidable. This actually causes a pleasant result, since the background will appear totally out of focus, and you can usually use a natural setting to compose your picture. While you won’t have to fuss too much with what’s going on behind your subject, don’t forget to check for any distracting or jarring background elements.
TIP 3 : Get creative with macro photography by shooting the subject from an unexpected angle. Try different lighting, as well, using front lighting for deeper color saturation and side lighting to highlight texture.
TIP 4: If you find an insect or small creature that allows you to get close to it, start shooting! When making macro photographs—especially of moving subjects—be prepared. Make sure all your camera settings are correct because you may only get one shot.
TIP 5: Shooting flowers, leaves, and insects outside can be a challenge. A perfectly composed shot can be quickly ruined by just a whisper of a breeze. Stop unwanted subject motion and blur. Before you set up your shot, try planting a stick in the ground and tether the flora to it for stability. Use the fastest shutter speed possible and use a ring flash or flash units mounted to your lens if shooting at a low aperture.
I hope the above tips helps you in taking incredible pictures of small thing that you normally fail to notice. I would like to see your comments, reviews or contributions at [email protected]
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