Landing your dream job requires more than just inherent skills. If you can’t present your skills and talent in front of the panel interviewing you, then you are not likely to see their number again flashing on your phone. So instead of sulking about why you couldn’t land the perfect job, you should follow some of these tips in order to land a good job.
These are tips that most pgdm colleges are likely to skip. Hit the bookmark button as soon as you finish reading this. You can even export bookmarks with the help of bookmark apps and access your favorite pages on any device.
Research the company before the Interview
If you don’t know well about the company then you cannot pitch yourself of being useful to the company. So a day or two before the big interview, log on to the website and read about the vision, achievements and mission. See how it aligns with your own vision so that you are able to pitch accordingly. You can also research a bit about the interviewer if you know their name beforehand.

Introduce yourself at the Interview
Now that the research is done, you should now concentrate on what will be your conduct during the interview. The first impression isn’t necessarily the last impression always but it facilitates the interviewer to note some quick points about you.
Make sure you don’t mess up on your first impression. Confidence is a plus point, but do not go in to show off your skills unless and until asked about it. If you are in a different country than your own, then it’s good to read about their culture so that you are not offending them in any way during the interview. You can mail them after your interview is done to let them know that it was a pleasure to meet them. This is a good gesture.
Dress not to kill, but appropriately
You need to understand that your appearance also contributes a lot to the first impression that you want to make on a potential employer. You shouldn’t be shabbily dressed. The amount of time you spend on looking presentable is also judged by the interviewer. Keep deodorant/perfume handy always.
Prepare yourself for a telephonic interview
More often than not, the interviewer might arrange for a telephonic interview or a video interview. If you’re applying for a job abroad then there are high chances for that too. So stay ready for all situations that you will be approached. Sounding confused or unaware about the situation will only put off the interviewer.
For people who are just out of college and have never been to a physical interview, this could be a little tricky. Practice it beforehand, don’t be around noisy areas, don’t drink, chew gum or eat anything. Speak softly yet be audible.
Be on time for the interview
Never be late for the most important event of that day. Try to reach 10 minutes early. Make sure you confirm your appointment a day earlier. Even if you are getting late for your interview, you should tell the interviewer about the delay. Also, be patient if you’re asked to wait.
Group Interview
Your pdgm colleges would help you train better when it comes to presenting yourself in front of more than two people. So don’t take them lightly. Confidence can lower when you are asked to be in a group interview. Never interrupt in between and always answer patiently. Make eye contact with everyone and not looking at just one person.
Dining/Lunch interview
Your interpersonal skills and communication skills are put to test when you are at a lunch/dinner interview. Having to balance between casual and formal attitude is the most difficult and tricky part. Be balanced. Brush up your table manners too. If you are applying for a post that requires dealing with international clients and traveling abroad, then this is an important interview to crack.
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