The 2nd ManipalBlog Annual Short Story and Poetry Writing contest – Illuminati 2012 is currently underway and the contest entries are being voted for the Public choice prizes. The Votes are based on Social Media sharing via Twitter/Facebook/Stumbleupon/Pinterest etc. Here is the break-up of the value of votes.
- Every Facebook Like/Share – 2 Points
- Every Tweet/Stumbleupon/Pinterest Share – 3 Points
- Every genuine comment > 25 Characters – 1 Point
- These will be added to the traffic each post receives – We have counters set-up to calculate the same.
The Criteria for the Judges choice awards are as follows –
The winning entry will be determined solely on the following criteria. This is to be followed as closely as possible by all judges in order to standardize the contest. Each Short Story may receive a maximum of 100 points. Points are distributed as follows (the number in parentheses is the maximum number of points awarded for that category).
This is the structural part of the essay–the “bones” upon which the rest hangs. Though it is essential to support the story, form is only worth 30 points as good form is expected.
- GRAMMAR (10) (spelling, punctuation, etc.)
- CRAFTSMANSHIP (10) (use of proper words, sentence structure, paragraphing, etc.) This includes reasonable paragraphing and creative word use of any sort. (Paragraphs in right place, excellent construction, correct punctuation, etc.)
This is the essential part of the article. It must include the main and supporting ideas of the writer on the theme of this year’s contest. This part is worth 40 points because the two components cover the substance of the article. The article writer must have demonstrated preparation toward the goal stated.
- MAIN IDEA(S) (25) It is essential that the theme of the contest is clearly addressed.
- SUPPORTING IDEAS (15) The main ideas presented must be thoroughly discussed.
This part is for the judge’s reaction. It is worth 30 points and gives latitude to the variety of opinions reflected in the judges.
- PROGNOSIS (10) The judges must have the impression that the story highlights the essence of the contest theme.
- PERSONAL REACTION (20) This is the place for the judge’s personal opinion. Also, the pathos/egotism abhorrence reaction can be reflected here. (This is the only category in which a judge may show his/her subjective feelings about the article.)
Do the judges display there verdict for each and every story separately or,only the winner story’s verdict is displayed on the blog…?