How To Insert A Header or Footer In Microsoft Word 2003

Tutorial Description:
Documents are often being required to have header and footer information, these requirements come from business and educational formatting styles to certain publishing practices. This tutorial will teach you how to insert a header/footer into your documents.

Software Needed:

  • Microsoft Word 2003


1.      In order to add a Header and Footer to your document, you need to left-click the “View” in the upper-left corner of your screen.
2.      Once you have clicked “View”, drag your mouse arrow down to where it says “Header and Footer”. If it does not show up you need to click the two hash marks at the bottom of the menu and it will show all options.
3.      Once you have left-clicked, the Header and Footer option from the menu a box will come up.
4.      If you want to add a header, on the top of the box it should say “Header”. If says “Footer” does not you will need to click the Switch between Header and Footer button in the Header and Footer Toolbar.
5.      You type what you want the header or footer of every page to be. If you want to add the date you can click the Date button and it will automatically add it for you. If you want to add page numbers, you can click the page numbers button and it will number all your pages.


6.      Once you have your Header and Footer how you want it Click the close button in the bottom left hand Conner of the blue Header and Footer box.
7.      Do the same steps if you want a Footer. Instead of the word “Header” above the dashed box it will say “Footer” and be at the bottom of your document.

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