5 useful cleaning hacks for busy people

cleaning hacks

Whether you’re a college student or a young professional, life often gets in the way of deep cleaning your home and getting your laundry ready. Luckily we have some cleaning hacks that don’t take two hours a day to keep the flat clean and tidy. Even just a few minutes every day will be enough to have the situation under control.And if you need professional help, you could always go for Alliance Laundry System.

We’ve put together some tips and tricks that will help you tackle the most common cleaning challenges, from how to remove rust to how to keep the shower nice and clean.

How to clean your drains

If your drains are full of grease, gunk and soapy residue, it’s time to clean them properly. Many people swear on the power of baking soda – pour half a cup of baking soda and half a cup of vinegar down the blocked drain. Let it sit for 5 minutes, then flush with steaming hot water.

How to remove rusthandle-432289_1280

Removing rust can be difficult, so when you’re spotting it in your kitchen or bathroom, make sure to do some research first to avoid further damage. Cleanipedia, for example, is a great resource to learn how to remove rust from different surfaces. The most important thing to take away is that whatever you do, avoid bleach – it can make the discolouration worse. Instead, soak the stain in white vinegar and salt or lemon juice and salt to dissolve the stain and get rid of those annoying red marks.

Quick cleaning hacks for the bathroom

The bathroom can take ages to clean, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Use vinegar and water to soak your shower head and get rid of any residue. The same mixture works wonders on mouldy and dirty bathroom tiles and inside the shower cabin. Scrub stubborn stains with a toothbrush and some baking soda. Dust is another common problem, especially in rural areas. Purchasing from a company that supplies dust extractors Australia wide will help you control your dust problems.

How to clean surfaces coffee-802057_1280

If you’re a fan of slushy drinks or spend a lot of time in your kitchen trying out the newest elaborate food gadgets, chances are high that your kitchen surfaces are a mess most of the time. Hey, it’s a price worth paying – if only cleaning them was as much fun. Keeping your surfaces clean is almost as essential as washing your hands. If you want a quick fix, simply use antibacterial wipes. Another solution is to combine water and vinegar for a natural cleaner that you can use on the kitchen floor as well.

Stain removal 101vinegar-768948_1280

Always blot stains gently or soak them, never rub at them, and never treat them with hot water – you might accidentally work the colour into the fabric. Vinegar is great against coffee and tea stains and sticky residue, whilst dish detergent works wonders on grease stains – no surprise, that’s what it’s here for after all. Salt is an effective cleaning hack on red wine and bloodstains, and bleach is a particularly powerful remover – be careful, it might damage sensitive fabrics. Always keep in mind to test your method of choice on a small patch of the fabric first to avoid damaging delicate clothes.

About the Author: A veteran of unsavoury housing arrangements, John is now the Rambo of household tasks. Obliterating his enemies (dust and grime) during the day, in his spare time John fights crime and writes sensitive poetry about clouds.

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