Stopping power is also a function of proper use of the brakes. Like a motorcycle, your bicycle is equipped with independent front and back brakes. Your Leopard bicycle has been supplied with the back brake on the right hand side, and the front brake on the left hand side. It is important to use both brakes when stopping. As you apply brake force your weight shifts forward off the back wheel. It is important to practice the application of the rear brake without locking or skidding the tire. Skidding the rear brake may cause loss of control.
The front brake may be applied with equal or more force than the back brake, but this force must be applied smoothly without grabbing the front brake lever suddenly. As noted in the Warning above, sudden application of the front brake can cause loss of control.
Practice braking applying front and back brake pressure to better understand the braking forces before attempting any high speed riding on the road.
Be aware of the road conditions when applying your brakes. Wet conditions or loose surfaces will reduce tire adhesion resulting in longer stopping distances.
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