Bennet Schwartz – Creating Marketing Success in 2021

creative marketing success

As freelancers, being creative is an important aspect of making a successful career. Bennet Schwartz in many of his interviews and articles highlights this critical point. As college students, we often aspire to hone our talents even though we are bound by our academics. However, marketing success often comes to those who think out of the box.

According to Bennet Schwartz, marketing is one of the major skills any aspiring artist should possess. Understanding the basic marketing principles can help you become successful in your career as a freelancer. Learning a few marketing skills will make you better placed to reach your clientele cheaply.

Art for the sake of itself will not make anyone better off. Knowing how to sell your art requires marketing skills so that people know what you can do! You can try to sell your creative ideas or art on various marketplaces on the internet, however, you may not often make enough money. Hence, going the traditional route and marketing your product is a very important aspect of being a successful freelancer.

Reading more about Bennet Schwartz and his philosophy for marketing success as a freelancer, I’ve made a list of things that are needed for marketing success in 2021.

Here are 10 things to attain marketing success

The easy way is usually not the best way.

Chances are good that if nothing in your career ever excites you, scares you, intimidates you, or challenges you then you are doing it wrong.

Not all freelancers are created equal

You are probably better than some freelancers and worse than others. You may have a great voice for some work, and a terrible voice for other work. You might know a lot about some things and nothing about other things. You may be able to improve in some of these areas with hard work and study. You may not. Either way, it’s not necessarily a career-breaker.

Not everyone is going to succeed.

Don’t feel guilty if you are one of the freelancers who do.

You need freelance friends.

I know there are some people out there who are lurking. They read the blogs, work from home, freelance for a living–but don’t make friends with other freelancers. I think this is a huge mistake. My freelance friends are great sounding boards, terrific resources, awesome motivators and they understand my triumphs and setbacks like almost no one else.

These friends can and will teach you a thing or two about marketing success through their own stories!

Your mistakes will not make or break your career like you think they will.

Owning your mistakes will help you become better. Do not worry about some speed bumps on the way.

Don’t let fear rule you/ Good enough is never enough.

If you are afraid and/or if you allow your career to stagnate you will never know what you could have been, what you were capable of, and how far your career could have gone. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, take risks, and really challenge yourself. If you let fear stop you or if you settle for “good enough” then that’s probably the best you will do.

Imagine knowing that the career you have right now is the best you will ever, ever do. You will never get better clients, better gigs, better bylines, better money, better fun, etc. Sad, huh? Is that what you really want out of your life?

Highlight what you want your potential client to focus on.

On my portfolio, resume, and cover letter, I focus on my licenses and experience in the financial industry. I do not focus on the fact that I have yet to finish college. There are almost no deal breakers in this business – you just need to adjust your marketing message so your potential clients pay attention to what you want them to see. Marketing success is often highlighting the positives and downplaying the negatives.

Don’t be afraid of your voice.

Dream and Act

You have to create the career you want not just by dreaming about it, but by deciding what steps to take to get it and then doing them steps. Your career does not make itself–you have to make it. And proactively, I might add.

There are no secrets, no formulas, no gurus, no superstars, no guarantees.

There is just you, time, your keyboard, your motivation, and your determination. And even that is not a recipe for marketing success.

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